Two things a Business Website Must-Have!
The article briefly discusses CMS and SEO as two mediums of meeting web ROIs. It explains how customized website design entwined with CMS and search engine marketing techniques can help a website meet its business commitments.
Having a business website does not guarantee web success. To be successful your website must have appeal,

framework, functionality and above all clear-cut objective of achieving web ROIs – after all a business website is a for profit enterprises, and meeting ROI and cutting costs is an integral element of scoring profit.You’ll find hundreds of articles dealing with aesthetics of website design and layout. There are hundreds of articles dealing with web architecture, structure, and development tools as well. However, I believe that such things should be left to the professionals. Individuals like us do not have the luxury to get into the think of website design and development. My advice is to hire a company, preferable a custom web design company, and collaborate with them to give you a website that fits the needs and demands of your business/organization. Most web design companies offer Professional logo design solutions as well, so you don’t have to worry about that either. What I’m interested in here is the cost saving elements of website design.It’s very important for a business to have a website that is visitor friendly. It usually entails a website that has clear and logical and is well planned and thought out. However, as stated earlier, it’s equally important for you to have a website that is easy to use and inexpensive to keep up. Content Management Systems (CMS) are an extremely effective means of achieving this aim. Content Management Systems provide novices (users with limited understanding of web programming or mark-up languages) to manage website content with relative ease. In terms of scope CMS solutions vary in degree and size. Some CMS solutions offer users limited controls, while other let users fiddle with every nook and cranny of their site – it all depends on requirements.A recent survey by Beyond, revealed that search engine like Google, Yahoo! and Bing control an normal consumer’s decision making process and purchase choice by a factor of 98 per cent. These figures were especially valid for categories like automobile, electronics, travel and fashion etc. In actual fact, according to beyond, search engines (in particular Google) have become the prime source of influence in a myriad of sectors. So as in the case of CMS, no right minded businessperson can ignore the importance of search engine marketing. Search engine marketing, also referred to Search Engine Optimization (SEO), is one of the most powerful, and low cost mediums of marketing products/services available on the web. From augmenting brand awareness to becoming the virtual top-dog of the industry, SEO in its various forms, is there to help you channel more targeted traffic and eventually more leads and conversations to your website. In fact it has been deemed the most effective and efficient means of meeting web ROIs in existence – and that’s a certified FACT! I’d say that it definitely pays to know each element of your website; however it’s not a mandatory need. Simply get a good web design or logo design company to give you a sharp looking website that has a CMS, and is synchronized with the latest SEO techniques. Remember, as mentioned previously, a good design can affect your site’s performance on search engines, and can actually turn incoming leads into paying customers. So do focus on these elements – it could mean the difference between success and failure.