12.04.2006 – The Chamber of Commerce of Pordenone, Italy, launched a new accessible web site realised according to the standards of WAI. The website has been realised with CMS TYPO3 and with the expertise of Webformat.
The re-styling project of CCIAA’s website featured also the making of an accessible site according to the Italian law about the accessibility of state and public institutions websites (Legge Stanca). Further, CCIAA required a cms with a reliable system for the management of users permits and access to simple content editing procedures. A detailed analysis of the particular requirements of the CCIAA was carried out together with the internal web masters team and it came out that cms TYPO3 was the perfect solution thanks to its flexibility, its several functionalities and options, its wide customizability and its simple and intuitive use.
TYPO3 is an open source cms that allows an easier editing of accessible contents according to Italian accessibility regulations, assuring web contents fruition to visitors with disabilities. The cms would also assure to web developers a wider and powerful customisability of graphic design, of extensions and functionalities configuration such as the management of users permits and access to the backend.
TYPO3 gives also a greater performance with different browsers and environments granting a secure and wide access to web site contents.
SolutionWebformat srl provided the cms TYPO3 and accessibility expertise and the know-how to develop and manage the whole website, enabling web users to edit contents without the need of technical skills or specific knowledge of how to make accessible contents. In particular, Webformat realised:
- specific consultancy and technical support on web site re-design - support in graphic XHTML 1.0 interfaces design - realisation of web graphic interfaces in XHTML 1.0 strict e CSS2 according to style & images provided by the customer, manually and automatically validated according to the Italian law regulations on web accessibility- TYPO3 customisation: a custom configuration of RTE editor has been provided in order to automatically generate a valid XHTML 1.0 strict e CSS2 code, making users solve all the problems connected with the editing of accessible contents;- Implementation of custom functionalities for the management of news, events and press releases, and for the automatic search through the web pages (site map and search engine);- A training course has been planned for all web users: template designers, system administrators, programmers and editors involved in website management and contents maintenance.
WEBFORMAT srl designs and develops web projects solutions and is a supporting member of the TYPO3 Association. For any further info you can visit our website www.webformat.com or contact us at info@webformat.com.
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