Routinely Check your Website for Problems
If you are relying on search engines to send you a great deal of traffic, then your rankings may be affected by certain problems. In order to catch problems quickly, you will need to routinely check your website for them.
No webmasters wants their website to suffer from common problems. If problems do occur,

it is vital to get them fixed as soon as possible. If you are relying on search engines to send you a great deal of traffic, then your rankings may be affected by certain problems. In order to catch problems quickly, you will need to routinely check your website for them.
Many of the links on your website will serve as navigation. You definitely do not want these links to be invalid since it will make your visitors have a hard time finding their way around. Make sure you are careful when you first construct each page and come back periodically to ensure the link is still working as it should.
Many websites also have outbound links to other websites, so you will need to check them too. You do not want to send your visitors to a website which is no longer functional or one that has simply changed its content significantly. Doing this would almost certainly damage the credibility of your own website and may affect its rankings as well.
When dealing with HTML and CSS, it is very easy to make mistakes. Check your website routinely to ensure your website still looks and functions like it should. Valid website code is becoming increasingly important for search engine algorithms.
Just like coding errors, spelling errors are easy to make too. You do not want to have many of them on your website since it will make it look very unprofessional. It is vital for you to proofread your content before publishing it online. Every so often, go back to ensure you did not miss anything the first time around. Ideally, you will get someone else to proofread your content since it is easier to overlook our own mistakes.
Duplicate page titles can also be a problem as far as search engine rankings go. As you add more pages, you will want to check that you have not created a duplicate title.
Images help to enhance your site, so you want to ensure they stay functioning. This is especially important if you have linked to an image on another site. You do not want your visitors to be presented with a big red X in the middle of your content. Ensure all of your images have appropriate alt tags for SEO purposes.
Check your website every couple of days to ensure it has not been victimized by a hacker or gone done for some other reason. There is nothing worse than having your website down for a week or more without even realizing it.