A week doesn't seem like much when you have a lot of pounds to lose. But it's enough to work miracles if you use it well. Read on to kick start your weight loss program.
I've lost count of the number of articles I've seen with those tempting titles "Lose 10 lbs in 4 days", "Firm the flab fast", "Get a bikini body in just 10 days". They're so seductive aren't they? Yet I want to shout "Liar, Liar pants on fire!" because any weight loss of more than 1 to 2 lbs a week is not fat loss. It's just water that you'll put straight back on - or even worse, pure solid muscle - the stuff that burns calories!
But what can you do in 7 days then?
Oh yes! You can do a whole lot in 7 days - not in physical weight loss - although every pound or two counts, but in getting yourself ready to make the changes leading to the body of your dreams. This week you can begin the habits of a lifetime which will have you looking and feeling like a new person. Why not start today?
Copyright 2005, Janice Elizabeth Small
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