Find out if cleansing really does help you lose weight and become healthier. Discover the benefits of a complete body cleanse at the cellular level vs. just a colon cleanse.
Back a while ago I witnessed a friend of mine drop a considerable amount of weight in a short period of time. I was curious to discover his secret as I had been struggling for quite a while to lose the excess fat from my pregnancies (yes plural).
He told me about a body-cleansing program. I said, "Oh a colon cleanse? Yes I have heard of them". He said no that it was a completely natural total body cleanse.
Why do we need to cleanse?
My first thought was... why the heck do we need that? So I started to study this process of cleansing and detoxifying the body. Here is what I learned:
North - Americans are sicker now then they have ever been. Why? Well for one, we are in a state of nutritional deficiency; just take a look at what we eat. How nutritious is the fast food that we eat? Honestly. Even the food we get in the grocery stores has to be fortified. Our fruits and vegetables are sprayed with pesticides. The meat we eat has been injected with antibiotics.
Additionally, toxins and chemicals in our environment are being linked to diseases. Ongoing studies are linking toxins to diseases like cancer, autoimmune diseases, birth defects, pulmonary disease, cardiovascular diseases and now obesity.
Our convenient lifestyle has come at a cost - our health. Would you have purchased bottled water ten years ago? Why do we do it now? Is the tap water not safe to drink anymore?
OK so what is the Total Body Cleansing process?
Also known as detoxification, the body cleansing process is a treatment aimed to rid the body of the harmful impurities and chemicals that we ingest on a daily basis. These built-up impurities can cause your internal organs to slowly clog and deteriorate, and you may not even know it.
While different forms of the detoxification regiment exist, the overall aim is to achieve a chemical-free diet, consisting mainly of foods that are high in vitamins, nutrients, and anti-oxidants. Water and high-fibre foods are also central to the cleansing process, as they increase urination and bowel movements, which are needed to complete the cleansing process.
Cleanse your body internally and nutritionally replenish it so that it can become the miracle that it was intended to be. It seems that we clean and maintain everything about our external body, but what about the inside? When I thought about this it made perfect sense to me, so I decided to give body cleansing a try.
So, does Cleansing help you Lose Weight?
Well, it helped me lose weight, a total of 14 lbs in 30 days. But it also helped me understand the process of why we gain weight, and it taught me how to eat better and make healthier choices for my family.
Why do people gain weight? Well, we eat too much. We eat the wrong foods, lack of exercise, genetics and stress. We are also learning that chemicals and toxins are contributing to obesity. As toxins enter our bodies, the body's natural response is to coat these toxins with fat and water... yuck, what a thought! This is our body's way of protecting our organs from the toxins. As we ingest more toxins, the body creates more fat cells to protect you.
Have you ever tried to lose weight, only to be disappointed? Well perhaps now you know the reason why. Most diets, lotions, pills, potions and powders use unhealthy and potentially dangerous ingredients such as ma haung, ephedra, and caffeine that promise fast weight loss, however the weight loss is primarily water weight and lean muscle. Minimal fat is lost because these products do not address the issue of cleansing the toxins.
But I am Healthy and Lean, do I still need to Cleanse?
No matter what your weight, or physical health, toxins enter your body on a daily basis. Everyone can benefit from the effects of cleansing their bodies. Look at it this way - regardless of whether you drive a Cadillac or a Mini - you need to change the oil in your car. You brush your teeth to keep them clean; you shampoo your hair and wash your skin. Why not clean the inside?
All adults who live with stress, pollution, and incomplete nutrition should cleanse. It can help you regain lost energy, improve athletic performance and help you on the road to an overall healthier lifestyle.
I continue to cleanse on a regular basis because I love the way it makes me feel.
If you would like more information about a complete nutritional cleanse you can visit for more information about nutritional cleansing with the Isagenix Cleansing and Fat Burning System.
Thank you for reading.
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