The author briefly describes how and why portion control methods work to achieve extra weight loss. In addition, the article includes examples of reasonable sized portions of various foods. It also includes some practical advice on how to use these examples and their implications as a part of a weight loss program.
One easy way people can achieve extra weight loss while on a weight loss program is to use portion control methods that reduce the amount of food that is eaten during a meal. It's easy to achieve extra weight loss using portion control methods because most foods can be easily portioned into smaller amounts that still satisfy one's hunger. As a result,

people can eat a wider variety of foods while cutting back on calories.
Here is a brief guide that explains how this is done. It first describes how and why portion control methods work to achieve extra weight loss. In addition, the article includes examples of reasonable sized portions of various foods. Finally, the guide also includes some practical advice on how to use these examples and their implications as a part of a weight loss program.
How do portion control methods work?
Portion control methods work by reducing the amount of food that is eaten in one sitting. These methods work by providing a rule of thumb that describes what a reasonable portion of various foods actually looks in person.
Why do portion control methods help people achieve extra results in their weight loss programs?
Portion control methods help people achieve extra results in their weight loss programs because they can give people an extra tool to cut back on the number of calories that are eaten. In addition, portion control methods can also help people learn positive behaviors that can help them enjoy food without feeling guilty or embarrassed. This can help them control bad eating habits that can result in obesity.
What are some examples of portion control in action?
We often consume too much food because we often don't know what a reasonable portion of food looks like. One way that dieters can see what a reasonable portion of food looks like is to compare a healthy portion of food to the size and shape of everyday objects. Here are some reminders of what a reasonable portion of food actually looks like when compared to the shape of everyday objects:
--A reasonable portion of most meat items weighs 3-4 ounces.
According to many leading health authorities, a reasonable portion of most meat items weighs 3-4 ounces. This piece of meat will often be the same size of the width of your hand or a standard deck of playing cards.
--A reasonable portion of cooked rice and pasta is 1/2-1/3 cup or 4-5 ounces.
This is roughly the same volume as a baseball or a softball.
--A reasonable portion of butter, margarine or other fats is one teaspoon.
This is portion has the same shape as a 44 cent postage stamp.
--A reasonable sized portion of ice cream is about 1/2 cup.
This portion has roughly the same shape as four ping-pong balls.
--Finally, a reasonable portion of most cooked vegetables is about 1/2 cup.
This is roughly the same shape as a compact disk.
How can dieters use reminders like these in their own weight loss programs?
Dieters can use portion control examples like these as a way to establish more healthy eating behaviors. The best way to do this is to use portion control techniques each day. Here are two ways that people can use portion control techniques each day.
--Use a scale to actually see how much food is a reasonable portion.
When you weigh out 4 ounces of meat or cereal out on a scale, you get a better sense of what a healthy portion of those foods looks like. As a result, weighing out reasonable portions of food can help you develop a better sense of what a healthy portion of food looks like.
--Try to integrate these reminders of reasonable sized portions of food with you every day.
Many weight loss programs tend to teach dieters a new set of behaviors that teach them how to establish better eating behaviors. As a result, dieters should try to integrate these reminders of reasonable sized portions of food into their weight loss programs each day.
There are many ways to do this. Some people use flashcards. Other people keep a list on the refrigerator. Others practice using these methods while eating out. No matter how you do this, integrating these reminders of reasonable sized portions of food each day can help you lose more weight because it helps you learn new skills that can help you reduce how much food you eat each day that will make it easier to lose weight and keep it off.
As a result, don't be afraid to integrate reminders of what reasonable sized portions of food look like into your weight loss program.