One sure way to lose weight effectively is by adopting a more active lifestyle. Couple with good eating plan, you are on the way to a better sense of ...
One sure way to lose weight effectively is by adopting a more active lifestyle. Couple with good eating plan,

you are on the way to a better sense of health and well-being.
The more active you are in daily life, the better you will feel.
Many people use the excuse that they don’t have the time and energy to exercise and take steps towards an active lifestyle. The irony of this excuse is that exercise and an active lifestyle are important ways to boost your energy level and give you a fresh, healthy perspective on life in general!
In fact, active lifestyle doesn’t mean you need to join a gym and walk off the pounds on the treadmill. You can be active anywhere, just don’t limit yourself and do away with the excuses. Here are some of the things you can do to be more active and lose that weight:
At home
1. Do housework yourself instead of hiring someone else to do it.
2. Work in the garden or mow the grass.
3. Go for a short walk before breakfast or after dinner.
4. Walk to the store instead of driving.
5. When walking, pick up the pace from leisurely to brisk.
6. Pedal a stationary bike as you watch television.
7. Get up and get your own drink. Do not ask someone to bring you a drink.
8. Stand while talking on the telephone. Move around, if it is a cordless phone.
9. Park farther away from the shopping mall or market. Walk the extra distance.
10. Stretch to reach items in high places and squat to look at items on the floor.
At the office
1. Stand or move around while talking on the telephone.
2. Walk down the hall to talk to your colleague instead of using the telephone.
3. Take the stairs instead of the elevator.
4. Get off the elevator a few floors early and walk up the stairs the remainder of the way.
5. Walk while waiting for your taxi or plane.
6. Join a sports team.
7. Participate in recreational activities at work.
8. Join a fitness center near your work place.
9. Get off the bus a few blocks away and walk the rest of the way to work or home.
10. Walk around the building for a break during work or during lunch.
Stay exercising though life
Choose activities that are fun, not exhausting.
1. Add variety. Try not to rely on one activity, but develop a few that you can enjoy. That way, exercise will never seem boring or routine.
2. Find a convenient time and place to exercise.
3. Use music to entertain you as you exercise.
4. Exercise with a friend.
5. Do not overdo exercise.
6. Increase duration and intensity of exercise gradually.
7. Make your daily life activities count for more.
8. Keep a record of your exercise activities.
9. Reward yourself at special milestones