Weight Loss for Idiots is for Smart People
When the series of “Dummies” books came out, I was deeply offended. As I stood in Barnes & Nobles looking at the cover of “Accounting for Dummies” I thought, “Who would buy a book that insinuated that they were dumb?” I said I would never buy a book like that because then everyone would know I was a dummy. That was 10 years ago. I got over it and bought my first “dummy” book. Then the “idiot” line of books came out. “Fat Loss 4 Idiots”, “Weight Loss for Idiots”
The “Dummies” Series
When the series of “Dummies” books came out,

I was deeply offended. As I stood in Barnes & Nobles looking at the cover of “Accounting for Dummies” I thought, “Who would buy a book that insinuated that they were dumb?” I said I would never buy a book like that because then everyone would know I was a dummy. That was 10 years ago. I got over it and bought my first “dummy” book. Then the “idiot” line of books came out. “Fat Loss 4 Idiots”, “Weight Loss for Idiots”, you name it, if you can be called an idiot for it, there is a book out there with that label waiting for you at Barnes & Nobles. I find the term “idiot” even more offensive than the “dummy” term. I haven’t gotten over that one, so I refused to buy the “idiot” series, including “Weight Loss for Idiots.”
A New Age of “Idiots”
But the book “Weight Loss for Idiots” really peaked my curiosity. Apparently, these books were popular. That could only mean one thing – people were okay with admitting their stupidity and idiocy on a particular subject. Okay, that brings a little solace to my wounded pride. So I had decided to look for the book, “Weight Loss for Idiots” at Barnes & Nobles. I couldn’t find it. Come to find out, there is no such book called “Weight Loss for Idiots”. However, there is an eBook called “Fat Loss 4 Idiots.” I see, it’s the same concept. Even though the book doesn’t really exist, it’s the idea that if you are an “idiot” around weight loss, then any series of “idiot” books pertaining to diets will suit you.
Am I Really an Idiot When it Comes to Weight Loss?
They say, “Insanity is doing the same thing over and over again, expecting different results.” That can also be deemed idiocy. So where have I been an idiot when it comes to weight loss? Well, here’s a good one. During my 20s, I had ballooned up to about 213 pounds. I kept going to Weight Watchers and losing a little bit of weight, but then I’d gain it right back. What was I doing wrong? I couldn’t understand. Then it dawned on me. I had an “Aha” moment. In the middle of the night, when the hunger attack came upon me, I would go out in my pajamas in the dead of winter, warm up my car, and proceed to drive to Burger King, Nathans, Baskin Robbins, Arthur Treacher’s Fish & Chips and IHOP. At the time, they were all in one food court. After I purchased my arsenal of heart clogging food, I wouldn’t even wait until I got home – I proceeded to eat right in the parking lot. Would you call that idiocy or what? Here’s another example. One morning, on my way to work, I had a McDonalds attack and so I bought 2 egg McMuffins. I couldn’t even wait to eat them, so what did I do? I pulled over at a Stop sign, put my blinkers on and began to eat! I was oblivious to the cars honking behind me, their passengers giving me the finger. I continued to eat. Then I’d go to the Weight Watchers meeting that week and say in all incredulity that I didn’t understand why or how I put on an extra 10 pounds. I have since conceded that I am an “idiot” and I now see why they have books out like weight loss for idiots. If you’re smart, you’ll know that you really are an idiot.