Weight Loss – Three steps to success – Step two
The three essential steps required for any weight-loss program to be successful.
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then you’ve acknowledged the first step towards weight loss. Hopefully you are taking action to implement what you learned.We will now discuss the second essential element for weight loss: burning calories.The first step was to decrease caloric intake or increase calorie-burn over the course of a day in order to maintain your current weight. The second step is to simply burn more calories. This is where your weight-loss starts.Now before you think you can just simply cut more calories instead of exercising to implement step two; don’t try it. It won’t work. You must actually exercise or perform activities that result in burning calories. You can’t avoid this step. If you want to lose weight, get active!Start simple: take your dog for a walk, work in the garden, wash your windows, wash your car, wash your neighbors car, do a few push ups, kick a soccer ball around, play catch, etc. Exercise doesn’t have to take on military connotation either. Just do something; anything. Get your body moving, and do this at least three or four times per week in 20-30 minute intervals. Are you still serious about losing weight? Or do you want to go back to pretending? You can quit reading this article any time and go back to daydreaming about weight loss instead of actually losing weight.You’ve just learned two of three universal steps to any weight loss program. If you fail to implement either one of these steps, you will not lose weight.The next article in this series discusses the third essential step for permanent weight loss.Copyright 2007, Christian Blake. This article may be freely republished as long as the author's byline and hyperlinks are retained.