There are five pillars of success & fulfillment that, if worked on every day will lead you along the path toward your desires & ultimately to achieving success in your goals and more happiness in life.
I’ve recently become a student of personal development and I’ve had the opportunity to be mentored by some of the most enlightened and successful people on the planet. The growth I have seen and felt in myself is off the chart and I’m filled with the desire to share the knowledge I have gained and am still obtaining so that others can benefit and live lives of personal fulfillment and success in whatever they are pursuing (or desire to pursue).
There are five pillars of success and fulfillment that, if worked on every day will lead you along the path toward your desires and ultimately bring you to achieving success in your goals and more happiness in life. The five pillars are Daily Meditation with Visualization, Personal Development, Income Producing Activity, Masterminding with Leaders, and Expectation of Leadership.
Daily Meditation/Visualization: Every day you must take a date with your soul. Dig deep inside yourself and connect with your innermost desires. Did you know the mind doesn’t differentiate between a vividly imagined experience and an actual experience?[1] In order to effectively visualize, you must reach your senses. Seek out pictures, music, and any other media that will constantly remind you of and motivate you toward your goals. You must be precisely clear on your goals. Think S.M.A.R.T. when setting goals (Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Results-Oriented, Time-Bound). Write down your clear and concise goals and place them somewhere you will have to look at them as frequently as possible. Keep a journal documenting your desires and to track your progress. Once you have specific and clear goals, break them down into steps, daily achievable tasks, and hold yourself accountable for achieving your daily tasks and ultimately your goals.
Personal Development: Did you know that the non-conscious mind controls 96-98% of our actions?[2] Utilize that power! Our beliefs become our reality. Do you have beliefs that hold you back? Honestly examine these. You can change your beliefs to improve your reality! Every day we must seek to better ourselves. Tend to your spirit. A crucial step toward finding fulfillment as well as true success is that you must believe in yourself. You must put away those things that someone told you that you were not good at, whether it was once or throughout your life. Once you believe in yourself you will find that you have power within you that no one and nothing can squelch. Set small attainable goals that you can succeed at. As you acquire more belief in your capability, set larger attainable goals with a plan to attain and follow that plan. Don’t sit back and hope for a change in life. BE the change you are seeking!
Income Producing Activity: Everybody has to have a source of money to survive. But whether you are seeking financial independence, or simply to better yourself at something, or to become more than you now are, these rules will apply. You can replace the word ‘income’ with whatever it is you are seeking. But you must engage in daily in (insert your desire here) producing activity. You must be consistent. Work toward your clear and concise goals every day. Achieve your daily tasks.
Mastermind with Leaders: Get the training you need. Seek out mentors. Find others who truly are where you want to be and can help you improve. You will find that most people are not only willing, but anxious, to share their knowledge with someone who truly wants to learn. Don’t settle for mediocrity, learn to excel. Believe in yourself and learn from others who have gone before you. As you learn and grow, form your own masterminding group to share your knowledge with others.
Expectation of Leadership: You must have focus and determination. Take 100% responsibility for yourself, for your goals, your daily tasks, etc. Put yourself in leadership; rise up to the power within you, even if you have to dig deep to find it…it is there. Expect leadership of others, they will grow to the expectations placed before them. Guide them and help them, don’t just expect them to know what you expect of them, but show them-make it attainable for them and watch them grow. Get help where needed. Never be too proud to admit you need guidance. Work through your fears. Utilize the sources around you. Stop hoping for a miracle, just BE the miracle!
Exercise consistency and persistence in pursuing each of these five paths daily. Visualize. Develop & change for the better. Engage in activity that brings you toward your income (or personal) goals. Mastermind with leaders. Expect leadership. As you faithfully do these you will see phenomenal change and growth in your life and in the lives of those around you. As you do, continue on the same path, increase upon your growth. You will take yourself to a new level over and over again. See what you truly are capable of. You will find true joy in life as well as success, not only in your career but in your family and other relationships, and ultimately in all aspects of life.
[1] Kellner, 1989
[2] John Assaraf “The Answer”
©2009 Vauna Byrd
Learning, Letting Go, and Standing On My Own
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As you seek to improve yourself and therefore your life by becoming a student of personal development, be sure to tend to your spirit (the core of who you are), believe in yourself by recognizing your worth as well as setting attainable goals, utilize the power of your subconscious mind, focus on the positive, live in a state of gratitude, and be willing to acknowledge and change your own inadequacies. As you do these things you will find that you open yourself to a whole new world, a world of happiness, contentment, personal power, and achievement.