3 Barriers to Frequent Blog Posting
Blog posting on a frequent basis is one of the most highly recommended things you can do to help generate traffic to your site. Of course this part of the blog building process, posting frequently, proves to be a very formidable challenge for many. Read more to see the 3 most common obstacles that keep people from maintaining a frequent posting schedule for establishing their blog.
Blog posting on a frequent basis is one of the most highly recommended things you can do to help generate traffic to your site. The reasoning behind posting frequent blog entries is to 'motive' people to return to view the new updates. Of course this part of the blog building process works best if what you post is quality content,
so it all starts with whether you even have anything worth viewing. With that being said even though this strategy may seem simple enough, it stills proves to be a challenge to many trying to establish their site.
Here is a look at the 3 most common obstacles many encounter when attempting to create fresh blog entries with which to update their site.
Lack of Time
Maintaining a blog does require an investment of time but if your time management skills are lacking this will quickly become a challenge for you. Although time is cited as a common obstacle insofar as being able to consistently create and post interesting blog entries, no doubt a lack of passion is at work here also. Time management is something we all need to work on and of this there is no doubt but funny how we can always find time for the things we love.
Lack of Ideas
In order to generate traffic for any blogging platform it is necessary to be able to create quality content to attract and retain visitors to your site. The fact is that if you have little of interest to view in the form of new updates nobody will be 'inspired' to return. Many people blame lacking ideas upon which they can base their posts as a culprit keeping them from updating their blogs more often. Here too it would seem if there was enough passion for what they are blogging about that they would always be researching for new material. In this way people could than not only find answers to their own questions but share it as well on their blogs.
Lack of Motivation
Probably the biggest and likely the truest obstacle for many to overcome when attempting to maintain a frequent posting schedule is motivation or a lack thereof. As I continued to 'hint' at earlier on, if a blogger lacks passion for what they are writing about, their efforts are likely doomed. Blog building takes time and patience, and the only thing that will get you through the process is your own passion that can be used to motivate you.
Consistent blog posting has proven to be the single best way to generate traffic for your site. By adding fresh quality content, especially during the early phases of the blog building process, you can expect to establish a strong following. This simple strategy however, has proven to be more than challenging to many due, for the most part, to the 3 obstacles reviewed here today. Obviously blogging calls for a certain degree of passion concerning the subject matter the site is based upon, to help overcome these obstacles. With this will come the enthusiasm and interest that will help you to more easily 'crank out' blog entries people will find worth their time to read!