7 Things To Never Include In A Resume

Apr 18


Aseriah Jordan

Aseriah Jordan

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Everyone should know what you should include in your resume, but not to many people know what they Shouldn't include an a resume. Here are 7 of the most important things to NEVER put in your Resume. If you need a Professionally written resume go to Shiba Resumes.


Writing a Resume takes more than just jotting down your job history. To help you in writing a wonderful resume I will start by giving you tips on what Not to include in a resume. Enjoy

1. Salary expectations/history. Even if you are responding to an ad that specifically asks for this information,7 Things To Never Include In A Resume Articles don't do it! If your expectations or salary history are too high, a prospective employer will weed you out right from the start. If it's too low, you have lost the bargaining power, or - worse - you will be hired possibly thousands less than you are worth. It's a no-win situation. Remember: It's always best to discuss salary requirements at the interview.

2. Personal data. This is a big waste of precious resume space. No employer will make the interview call based on your age, marital status, or "excellent" health. If you are in excellent health is directly related to the position they are seeking (maybe a warehouse job where you has to lift heavy objects), the time to bring that up is in the interview. We would like to think that there are enough legal protections against discrimination that disclosing information such as age, etc., would not be an issue, but unfortunately, you would just be fooling yourself.

3. Hobbies or personal interests. The only time that including these on a resume is a good idea is when your your interests are relevant to the position for which you are applying. For the most part, you can cover this in the actual interview.

4. Cutesy gimmicks. Cute or funny graphics on a resume immediately send the message that you are not to be taken seriously. Plus, they divert the employer's attention away from your achievements and qualifications. I once received a resume from a woman named Candy Kayn. Trying to capitalize on the "cuteness" of her name, she stuck candy cane graphics all over her resume. Within seconds, it was in the trash.

5. Your picture. Once again, discrimination protections notwithstanding, pictures simply give employers another reason to reject a resume. If they don't like your looks - if they think you look too young, too old, too fat, too thin, too good-looking, not good-looking, etc. - the resume may get tossed out unread. You want the employer to judge on the basis of your talents and qualifications - not on looks. So never include a picture. (Models and performing artists are the exception to this rule, since their appearance is part of their qualifications for some jobs. However, they generally submit 8"x10" photos separately - not on the resume itself.)

6. Reasons for leaving previous jobs. These never count in your favor. If you left a job involuntarily, that's a strike against you ("laid off" always sounds a bit like "fired" to some employers). If you left voluntarily, that's also a strike against you. "Maybe," the employer thinks, "he won't stick with this job either." The best course is to never raise the issue.

7. "References Available Upon Request." The only information on the resumes you create should be whatever is specifically related to the job your trying to land...reference sheets can be presented and discussed during the interview.

In Summary Keep these little put hugely affecting things out of your resume and you will have success. By impressing an employer with your resume, they will be more than happy to set up an interview with you.

If you need help in writing a professional looking resume head on over to shibaresumes.com Or if you already have a resume you can Post if for FREE at HotResumes.com

Good Luck in your Job Search!

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