If you are one of the many people who think article writing is a lot harder than it really is, this easy 7 step format of article writing will make your job a lot easier.
Many people think article writing is a lot harder than it really is. As a matter of fact if you follow this easy 7 step format of article writing it will make your job a lot easier.
1. Keeping your articles short and to the point is good.
This is because the writer has a tendency to lose focus as they increase the number of words. The majority of article directories are looking for articles that are around 400-500 words.
Once you begin writing articles that are longer than this it is better to break them into separate articles. You might even want to turn that into a report or e-book if the article gets to be very lengthy.
2. Think of a good title. If you want to catch people's attention this is extremely important.
Bear in mind that there are literally millions of articles on the Internet. Online marketers who visit the article directories searching for content to add to their email newsletter or blog have thousands of articles to choose from.
The first step in getting them to click on the link to your article is a catchy title. If you need examples of a good title visit a couple of article directories and look at the ones that catch your eye. You could copy these into a swipe file and use them for future rewrites.
3. The opening paragraph. Here you need to describe exactly what the reader can expect to find in your article.
4. In the body of the article use an outline. A quick way to write an article is to write a numbered list article.
Then each item can discuss a specific point you want to cover in the article itself. You generally do not need more than 4 or 5 specific points for a 400 word article.
5. Don’t use big words. Rather write useful content without trying to sound smarter than you are.
Don’t waste time looking up big words when you could use that time to write more articles. If you just write like you talk your readers will appreciate it.
6. End your article with a summary. When you follow the format of article writing that I have listed above it is easy to summarize an article. You just need to go back and reaffirm your opening paragraph.
7. The all important resource box. Whilst this is not a part of writing an article, this is how you get traffic to your website when you submit your articles to article directories. So it is important to spend a little time creating a good resource box that will encourage readers to click through to your website.
Article writing is not difficult when you follow this easy 7 step format of article writing.
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