Writers block strikes all writers at one point or another. If you want to make a career as a writer you need to find ways to overcome writers block so it does not hold you back in your career.
Freelance writing is a wonderful job as you are self-employed with your own business. You choose your clients, your hours, where you work, and how you work. The freedom of working for yourself is wonderful, but you will have deadlines that need to be met. If you can’t meet your deadlines because of writers block (or any other reason) you will lose clients, and be unable to get ahead in your career as fast as you would if you choose to not let writers block get to you.
Remember that the next time you find yourself staring at a blank page or a blinking cursor you have the choice to write or to not write. Even if what you write is not what you or your client expected there are always revisions that can and should be made.
Writing is writing if you write. That is the secret to overcoming writers block – simply write. If your writing comes out horrible, it does not matter. You can always revise it. As long as you keep on writing every day you will be just fine.
Experiencing writers block while you are working could mean that you need to clear your mind of other thoughts, worries and feelings. There are several methods many writers use to thwart writers block.
Methods to Overcome Writers Block –
1. Take a Walk: Shut down your computer, put your notebook and pens away. Get your shoes on and talk a walk outside for at least ten minutes. This can help you get out of your office for a little while.
2. Meditation: Practicing meditation on a regular basis (at least once a day for twenty minutes each time) has countless benefits. It can help you better deal with stress and anxiety, as well as think clearer. Take a moment in a nice, peaceful place to meditate. Achieve concentrated relaxation by focusing on an object or a sound.
3. Read: Take a time out to read something you enjoy, whether it be a magazine, newspaper or book. Reading is a writer’s way of study anyway, but by reading someone else’s writing you can take your mind off of what you have to write and help you when you return to your work.
4. Journal: Keep a journal. You don’t have to write in it every day, but when you get too overwhelmed it can be nice to have a place to write where you know no one will ever read it. Write about whatever you want, and just vent all of your frustrations. This can help clear your mind.
5. Get Out: Sometimes freelance writers can feel confined to their homes. If you can (if you work on a laptop) take it outside or to your local café to get into a different scenery.
Just remember that you have the power to overcome writers block on your own. It is a choice you need to make for yourself and your career. Do whatever works for you to overcome writers block.
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