Smart Tips That Will Get You Published -time & Time Again!

May 5


Peter Sinclair

Peter Sinclair

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Here are some tips on how to not only correctly submit an article for publication but to also give you the best chance to be published...


TIP #1

Write the best possible article you can.

TIP #2

Give your article a dynamic title that will grab people's attention. It MUST stand out from the crowd.

TIP #3

Make it neat,Smart Tips That Will Get You Published -time & Time Again! Articles make it short or at least fit the requirements of the publisher. The one below would accept 300 to 500 words.....I choose to stick to the lower denominator, making it easy for them to cut and paste. If your article is a long piece then edit it down to a size between 300 and  500 words. By doing this you will give yourself the greatest  chance of being published and what is more important... being read.

TIP #4

Keep your work to 60-65 characters wide and use subheadings to capture people's attention.

TIP #5

Make sure you spellcheck your work before you send it out.

TIP #6

Include your website address or at least provide the opportunity for people to subscribe to your ezine.

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