Stop Your Readers In Their ... 2003 Livvie ... have shown that while 75% of the people ... only 25 % keep reading "the rest of the ... it down even furt
Stop Your Readers In Their Tracks!
Copyright 2003 Livvie Matthews
Studies have shown that while 75% of the people read
headlines, only 25 % keep reading "the rest of the story".
Breaking it down even further, you have about 4 seconds
to convince that reader to read on!
When writing, the two most important elements are your
headline and your opening statement. These two
elements must stop your readers in their tracks!
Headlines must grab your readers attention. Just as you
only get one chance to make a good first impression, you
only get once chance to grab your reader's attention!
For example, when you read an ad, you don't read it just
to be reading, you read it because you are interested
in it. Something about it grabbed your attention.
Since your information will be read only by interested people,
the purpose of your headline is to pick out those who are, or
can be, specifically interested in what you are talking about.
You want to grab their attention and if you can create curiosity,
that's even better. Curiosity your reader can only satisfy by
reading your information! People are so hurried and they
are not going to give you their time unless you make it
worth their while.
Make your headlines draw your readers interests. Emotions
motivate and sell. Use words that invoke emotions and that
clearly describe the benefit to the reader in terms of action!
Reinforce major benefits and points. Your headlines should
either conceal an interest or reveal an interest.
Spend time learning to use power words. These words
are known to trigger emotions and bring about desired
results. Power, appearance and greed, are all powerful
motivators. Also consider basic human motivators such
as physical, safety, social and esteem.
Power Words would include:
Dynamics, Money, Sure-fire, Innovative, Specialized,
Bonanza, New, Breakthrough, Soar, Affordable, Effective,
Savvy, Crucial, Rewards, Harness, Unleash and the most
powerful word of all....Free. These words make it difficult
for your reader to just pass by.
One, two and three word headlines are the most powerful.
Smile! Got Milk? Just Do It! These are examples of
one, two and three word headlines that have been powerful
attention getters plus, made a dollar or two.
People do not read ads for amusement or to be entertained.
They read ads because they have an interest. Their "hot buttons"
have been pressed.
If you are writing advertisements, this is the one time you
are not trying to build a relationship with your reader. You
are selling a product, service or information and if your
ad doesn't get their attention, you won't make a sale,
it's that simple!
I spend more time on creating the headlines for my articles
than I do the articles themselves. Because without the right
headline, viewers probably are not going to read the information
contained in the article.
Don't misunderstand here, your content must be of quality
and of interest to the reader, but if your don't pique your
readers interest in the headline, you most likely will have
lost your reader.
Readers will decide at a glance -- by your headline
or your opening statement--if your information interests them.
Address the people you seek and them only by.....
Stopping Them In Their Tracks!
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