Tailoring Your Website For Children's Publishing

Nov 18


KA Finch

KA Finch

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Staying in touch with children's trends, reading habits and information needs is a sure way to keep them interested in your writing. Learn the do's and dont's.


The internet is being accessed by the kids of today regularly - often daily. They are now using it to inform and entertain in a way that their parents often find confusing.

While a lot of writers tend to focus their websites for the adult viewer (whether that viewer be an editor,Tailoring Your Website For Children's Publishing Articles publisher, or adult viewer), those writers are missing out on a key demographic.

If you write material that is targeted to children, and children's issues, then it is a good idea to tailor your website to children as well.

The first step, understandably, is to build your own website (don't panic - with the right software its easy), so go out and pick up some quality web design software. It's not nearly as hard as it used to be to create a good looking website, as long as you make sure you pick one of the top quality design programs.

When you have decided on the general outline of your website, you should concentrate on researching your niche.

Go to websites that kids frequent and you can get an idea of what sort of content kids like (if you don't know any websites, just watch some children's programming on TV for a half hour and you're sure to find at least a few).

As well, investigate the best-selling children's books - there will be a variety of categories, depending on the age group.

The benefits of creating a website like this are twofold.

First of all, and most importantly, the kids who read your work will have a place to go and learn more about the stories or talk about your stories. Second, when you submit your work to a children's publisher, they will see that you are in tune with what kids want today.

A publishing company may have a dedicated marketing team that determines how profitable your writing will be to them. If your website boasts thousands of views from children who like what you're doing, it will go a long way towards giving credibility to your work.

And here's an added bonus. If you set up a forum or a feedback section so that kids can respond to what they like and didn't like about your stories, then you can use that section to get ideas. Monitor the questions and comments on other kids literature forums as well to see what they are getting excited about.

Because they are your ideal target audience, you need to deliver them what they want and they will reward you with their loyalty.

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