The Role Blog Readers Play In Content Development
Content development is of critical importance when blogging however choosing topics for your blog should be done by committee!Read on to see why your readers comments MUST be considered when creating the content you intend to post!
Content development is of critical importance when blogging however choosing topics for your blog should be done by committee! What I mean here is your readers opinions and suggestions should be given serious consideration concerning what it is they want to see posted on your site! As a blogger your duties are to post consistently and to do what you can to make your updates of interest to your readers! Remember the people who visit your site are one of your biggest assets and should be treated as such!
Having said that here are 3 compelling reasons as to why visitors need to be given a certain amount of input as to what you post on your platform!
They View What They Want
As a blogger you spend time and effort on creating content for your readers to view but if they don't like what you wrote about,

your efforts are in vain! In this case their feedback, or lack thereof since they never read the post, is an indication you 'missed' the mark! There are visitors that are kind enough to leave their input suggesting or strongly stating their lack of interest in what you posted! Although many bloggers, you as well, may take this as being a negative comment, these remarks can be helpful in choosing topics for your blog! Never lose sight of the fact that without people regularly visiting your platform, you have little reason to write in the first place! Give your readers what they want and they'll tend to return and even refer others as well!
They Want More of What They View
Every blog has updates that perform much better than others and this can be seen by the large amount of comments these posts may gather! There is a saying 'if it isn't broke than don't fix it' and this is so true when choosing topics for your blog! When you post an update that draws a lot of response from visitors it is generally safe to assume they would enjoy more about the same subject, make sense? Since most posts do not go into great depth it allows the blogger to further explore the subject matter in future entries! Your readers give you direction, it's simply up to you to recognize their wants and to act accordingly!
Looks and Frequency Matter as Well
Be it content, layout or even posting frequency a good blogger knows that in order to get return visitors they MUST offer people what they want! Let's face it, there are so many blogs to choose from online and it is up to you to present a layout, posting schedule and yes, great content, to keep your readers coming back! Although choosing topics for your blog is essential to your success so is the design as well as how often you post!
As a blogger, content development is one of the most important responsibilities you will have! By using your readers input and suggestions they can help you when choosing topics for your blog! The fact is since these are the people you blog for, it only makes sense to pay closer attention to what they may want to read! Blogging can sometimes be a lonely road but when enlisting the help of others for choosing content for your blog, this feeling of isolation tends to fade away! This also typically results in better content along with a much stronger sense of community! I don't see a downside here, do you?