Are you an Internet business entrepreneur searching for content? Read this article to find out the best places to find content for your website.
A major element of a Money Magnet website is content. Therefore, as an Internet business entrepreneur you should always be on the look out for new or repurposed content. Do you think that you have to write content by yourself every time? Think again. Content can be found from a slew of sources.
Following are the top ten places you can find new or repurposed content:
Content Source #1: Write the content yourself. Some Internet entrepreneurs love to sit down and write articles. They can write as many articles as they please or have time for.
Content Source #2: Dictate into an audio file. Then have the audio file transcribed. You can outsource the transcription to freelancers. Don’t have dictation software? You can find recommended dictation software at
Content Source #3: Blog! Have a Blog on your website that asks questions so that people respond. Their responses and comments add content to your website with no extra work on your part.
Content Source #4: Outsource content creation to a ghostwriter. You can employ a ghostwriter to create content for your website, articles, and emails among other copy. You can repurpose this content in a variety of ways by placing articles on your website and your Blog. Most Blog programs allow you to time stamp when the articles are to be published on your Blog. You can set up the whole year of Blogs ahead of time if you want to.
Content Source #5: You can buy content. For example, you head over to eBay for content. Search out eBooks that are for sale. Make sure that you buy the “Master” resell rights and not just the resell rights for the eBook. Master rights enable you to do whatever you wish with the eBook.
Content Source #6: Look in the Public Domain for content. You can find free articles that you can reprint. You can receive content from syndicated RSS feeds. You can also buy private label articles and add your name as the author.
Content Source #7: Find Wiki content. Go to It is the search engine for Wiki. Wiki is user driven (submitted) content.
Content Source #8: Convert existing content. This means that you repurpose content. You can change the angle of the article. You can also use the same content on your website in your article submissions and Blog.
Content Source #9: You can use content from any of your dud or defunct products. Don’t let this content go to waste. Use it again in one way or another.
Content Source #10: Package content you have already created and sell it. For example, you could write in a Blog for a year and then package it as an eBook for sale. You could also package existing articles into an eBook or special report for sale.
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