Traffic can be effective in marketing your site. Buying traffic is the quickest way to get visitors
Traffic can be effective in marketing your site. Buying traffic is the quickest way to get visitors to your site. You don't have to deal with Search engines or submitting your website to link directories. You buy a certain amount of traffic to your site and you are guaranteed to get that.
Traffic can be effective in marketing your site. Buying traffic is the quickest way to get visitors to your site. You don't have to deal with Search engines or submitting your website to link directories. You buy a certain amount of traffic to your site and you are guaranteed to get that.
Buying traffic and just sending it to your website will not necessarily ensure success to your website. Research and tracking needs to be done to maximize your profits. The first thing that needs to be done is to determine your product. Both Pop Under traffic and expired domain traffic can be effective You need to determine what your product is and look at the categories of traffic and see which one it best falls into. You can use untargeted traffic but that won't get you anywhere near the results targeted traffic will. Then you need to determine is your product is strictly for US based viewers or if other countries can benefit from your product. While it may seem like a waste of time,

the more you narrow down your traffic, the better your results will be.
Next you need to look at your website. When a viewer goes to your website, they need to be impressed or see a need to stay within 15 seconds or else they will leave. A viewer is very impatient. However, when buying traffic, these are not sites they directly expected to see, therefore their attention span is even less, maybe 5 or 10 seconds at most. That means, you need to not have a cluttered website. You need to state perfectly clear what you are providing and not give the viewer too many confusing options. The best results we have seen come from one page specific ads on your website, with only one or two smaller ads or banners on it. While sending the viewer to your main site that has more options on it will not mean it will fail, it just might not receive as high a profit as with a specific product on it that the viewer can quickly and easily see.
The last step and what I feel the most important step is keeping track of statistics. You need to keep track of everything, everytime you buy traffic. You need to know what category you used, how your website looked, how many banners you had on it, how long your ad on your website was and basically everything. If you buy 10,000 hits, keep track of how many times a viewer clicked on a certain banner. See which ones work better than others. See how long your viewers stayed. This can usually be done in most hosting control panels. Keep track of how many sales you got or how much affiliate revenue you earned. This is the best way to maximize your profits. Sometimes you might not make a lot of click throughs or profit the first time you buy traffic. Study what you did and try a different category or set up your website a little differently. Then buy more traffic and compare which way went better. Learning from failure is the best way to succeed.
One last tip I suggest is to consider using a pop up on your site as a change of pace when buying some traffic. While you can't have pop ups when you buy most of this traffic, we do offer traffic that does allow pop ups. Pop up can advertise another website and can get you to earn more income from that affiliate. Or you can join an exit exchange program so you can use this pop up on your site to promote other sites, that will in turn send more traffic to you. This is an easy way to nearly double the traffic you get. That is just another statistic to keep track of when trying to maximize your profits and see what works best for you.
That is about it on Pop under traffic and expired domain traffic. Buying traffic can be very rewarding, but you need to do it smart. Keep track of all the statistics you can, see what works best for you and hopefully you can enjoy the rewards of a successful website.