First of all, before you make any sort of preparations, you need to make sure that the person is a legitimate professional and not some con artist out to fleece you of your cash.
First of all, before you make any sort of preparations, you need to make sure that the person is a legitimate professional and not some con artist out to fleece you of your cash. You are investing in this on many levels. Not only are you investing monetarily but emotionally and psychologically as well. You cannot be too careful.
When dealing with a medium, you need to keep a few things in mind. It is very different from a tarot card reading. This is a living, breathing person who can react in many different ways. Please respect them and their gifts.
There is nothing off limits. You can ask about anything you want. In fact, the whole idea of a medium reading is to be able to ask the specific questions that a tarot card reading cannot answer directly.
Always remember, the medium will give you the answers to your questions whether you want to hear them or not. So, a good rule of thumb would be not to ask something if you do not want to know about it.
Do not ask which horse is going to win the next race, the lottery numbers or who is going to win the next ball game. Questions like these are insulting and will not do you any good. Also, do not ask when you are going to die. This is one question that most genuine mediums will not answer.
Keep in mind that being closed to answers, by having a preconceived answer already in your mind, is as good as blocking the true answer. Do not do that to yourself. Be open to what the medium has to convey. They are there to help guide you. Nothing says that you have to follow what they say. Should what they say strike a chord, then you can decide what to do next.
The first thing you need to do is to get a list of questions ready. There is nothing worse than remembering an important question too late. Having said that, nothing stops you from going again but it is always a good idea to have your most important questions written down and ready to be asked. The more you focus on the question during the reading, the better the results.
Once that is done, the next thing to do is to relax. When you go for the reading, if you are tense, you block the flow of energy the medium uses to tap into to answer your questions. Make time to go out and do something relaxing and fun before you go for the reading. When you are relaxed, the flow of energy is much more positive and the results will reflect the same.
Fair Psychics
Have you ever been to the county fair and seen the tent set up for the lady that gives the psychic readings to do her work in it?Spirit Guided Life
Do all psychics use spirit guides? That is like asking do all baseball players bat right handed. Of course they do not because they are each individuals and they each have talents that the other one may or may not have them.Future Seer
A psychic can see the future. This can be by using their clairvoyant ability. One of the biggest problems with seeing the future, is you can seldom pu...