Debt Relief Solution
When you are in debt, it can feel as if there is no relief; when in truth, there are options. Here is the truth about some of the most common debt relief myths.
Debt settlement involves negotiating with your creditors to greatly reduce the balance of your unsecured debt. Debt settlement usually occurs when a credit card company takes legal action against someone with debt.
Individuals often offer the credit card company a portion of what they owe in exchange for the legal case to be dropped. The downside to debt settlement is that creditors usually want your settlement payment in a lump sum. However,

once you stop making payments to your creditors, funds for a settlement should be available from money that you were able to save.
Choosing to negotiate your debt personally will free you from having to pay a third party. It will also mean you're in charge of dealings, so understand what's happening to finances. If you're clever you may be able to get credit card companies to accept a lower payment plan without spoiling your credit, if it's still in tact when you begin proceedings.
To achieve this make it part of your agreement that when you've paid the settlement to your creditors, they inform credit bureaus that you are completely debt free having paid in full, instead using the term 'settled'. When creditors see the word settled they know that customers have been in a financial mess. Before you approach creditors to make a settlement form a plan to prove how you will be able to pay back some of the debt you owe them. Explain that debt settlement is your final option before considering bankruptcy, where-by creditors would lose out completely.
Credit card debt settlement is the best debt relief solution other than bankruptcy. This program takes about two to four years for you to be totally debt-free. If you are being harassed by debt collectors, the debt consultants will employ various strategies to reduce or completely eliminate the harassment.