Executive Jobs: Internet Home Business Keys To Success Pt.2
As you begin your own online home business, it may be tempting to market a product just because you like it or think it will sell. Your personal opinion is not enough, though! You need is a product that has a proven track record. Don't give in to hollow claims. There are distinct things that you need your product to do. Find a proven system that you can duplicate.
Copyright (c) 2009 Schauffler Associates LLC Many people today are attempting to enter the online business world with the lure of quick and easy money. They think that once you get a website up and running,

send out some emails, and voila! Customers. If this is you, then perhaps you have hit that wall. If you haven't, you will soon! What can you do to make sure this doesn't happen to you? What can you do to help make your online home business successful? This article is part of a series about how you can ensure success as you transition from corporate executive to being a home entrepreneur with your own Internet business. It may be tempting to market a product just because you like it or think it will sell. Your personal opinion is not enough, though! You need is a product that has a proven track record. Don't give in to hollow claims. There are distinct things that you need your product to do. Find a proven system that you can duplicate. How can you know that your product is a great marketing vehicle? Ask these questions. Does it have lead capture pages? With your own lead capture page, you are offering a unique page from all the other affiliates. With so much competition, you want your webpage to stand out when customers click. Don't use the same affiliate issued page that every other internet entrepreneur is using. A lead capture page will also be read in 15-60 seconds, which is usually the timer set on manual exchanges. A lead capture pages also makes it easier for your visitor. If they want more information, they simply enter contact information. It can also be cost effective at generating traffic with pay per click. Does your product have a good sales page? Good copy is imperative in marketing your product. You can write the copy yourself, but you may want to hire a strong copywriter to create your content. Your sales page should contain three elements. The headline will grab the attention of the reader, and cause them to want to continue reading. Make sure that everything up you want to sell is packaged in an appealing way. Your sales page must indicate credibility. Include testimonials, precise numbers, and expert commentary. And make sure that you have legitimate contact information so you will be real. What about the headline? Grab your visitor's interest with emotion. Use words like "How to ." Once you have these elements in place, make sure that you investigate auto responder emails, which will immediately recognize the submission. You don't want your hot lead to get cold. Finaly, make sure the system provided employs emails, ezine ads for you to use. These have a proven track record of converting sales. If you take these steps, you will add the extra insurance to know that you have a very marketable product.