Marcus Evans Legal Perspective
As the world continues to shrink, businesses continue to expand and trade internationally, and in some cases establish a presence internationally, it has become increasingly important to ensure that the organisations interests are protected from a legal perspective.
Marcus Evans continues to organise pertinent summits,

conferences, and training events to equip delegates with the most up to date legal information in this cross jurisdiction culture.
The eighth IP law European summit is an invite only event organised by Marcus Evans, where IP specialists gathered to discuss and review the changes taking place within the international arena regarding IP law. The challenges that face organisations trying to protect their intellectual property once they leave the familiar territory of their national legal system. Networking with their peers from other European countries in an environment of structured and informal meetings enables solutions for the challenges they face to be brokered.
Another pivotal event from business intelligence leaders Marcus Evans is the Advanced Contract Drafting, Negotiation and Dispute Management conference in Mumbai India. The conference focuses on bringing unique business intelligence around contract drafting. Specifically designed to educate organisations own in house legal department, gives a win win situation. Delegates returning from the conference take back to their respective organisations contract drafting, negotiation and dispute management skills. There is immediate advantage in having these skills in house, it improves response time, and reduces the cost of outsourcing to external legal professionals.
The culture at Marcus Evans is different and this is evident in all the events run by them, the exchange of knowledge and understanding is a pre-requisite to any good event, trainers and speakers at conferences all are experts in their chosen fields. It is however the commitment of Marcus Evans to their core values to impart quality information, with passion and vitality that makes them the market leaders they are. Being the masters of business intelligence, it goes without saying that data protection is high on the agenda for companies, and the courses run on this sensitive subject are always popular, and none more so than the conference on Data Protection & Privacy Law Compliance; Assessing the Changing Landscape of Privacy Regulations and Data Protection to Protect Your Organization this conference explores the several key areas of the ever changing data protection law. Key note speakers provoked delegates to think about updates to state privacy laws and enforcement trends, and how the changes will affect their organisations. The format of the conference as is often the case had a practical workshop, where healthy discussion led to workable solutions being derived that attendees could take back and use in their organisations. Conference speakers included Jonathan D. Avila Chief Trust Officer, The Walt Disney Company, and Nadya Elizabeth Aswad Chief Privacy Officer, Fannie Mae. World leaders in their field imparting thought provoking knowledge that raised expectation amongst delegates.
Marcus Evans as always created a conference with a difference, where an exchange of ideas, empowers those attending the conference to make a significant and lasting contribution to their businesses.