OHS Legislation - Why Designated Work Groups ?by Safer Oz Industries www.saferoz.com.au What are “Designated Work Groups”? Designated Work Groups...
What are “Designated Work Groups”?
Designated Work Groups or “DWG’s” are groups of employees working in a business who perform similar tasks and are exposed to similar risks of injuryIn most workplaces various groups of employees work in different areas from each other, perhaps even at different sites, performing different tasks and as a result face different risks of injury to those employees in other areas of the business. For example employees working in a paint shop are exposed to different risks than those who are working in a machine shop such as fitters and turners or in an administrative role such as finance or payroll.
Why do we need these “Designated Work Groups”?
Employees are entitled to work in an area that is, as far as is practicable, safe and free from risk. Because groups of employees in a business work in separate areas and face exposure to different risks of injury, each of those groups are entitled to have those risks they face, in the course of their work, addressed. Each Designated Work Group is represented by at least one (1) Health and Safety Representative (HSR), elected by the employees within that group.
How do we set up “Designated Work Groups”?
By negotiation between the employees and the employer to agree how the employees are to be grouped that will best and most conveniently represent and safeguard the interests of those employed by the business.Please visit www.saferoz.com.au for all your OHS Training & Support
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