Yellow Pages - Spotting a Good Ad
The Yellow Pages provides you with information about a company. Find out how to choose a company that is right for your needs and one that is worth your investment.
When using Yellow Pages,
take the time to consider what the company is actually offering to you. From attorneys to doctors and even plumbers, you can and will find the professionals and service providers that you need here. However, determining which one has the best ability to fill your needs can be a bit harder than you think.
Here is a list of things that you should consider before you make any decisions about who to hire and how much you are willing to pay:
• Does the advertisement provide any information regarding the provider's experience level? Look for specific information about how many years the company has provided the service you need.
• Does it provide any information about the company's location? In some situations, you may want a company that can provide you with immediate help or you may need local supplies.
• Consider the promises within the ads. You do not want someone that is promising more than seems reasonable. Be sure to remember the saying, if it sounds too good to be true, it probably is.
• The Yellow Pages often give the largest ad space to those that pay more. Do not discredit the smaller companies on the website, though. These may be well worth contacting and finding out about.
• Do ask for a quote for large-scale projects or significant repairs. Find out if the company offers free quotes or if it charges you just to come to your location.
• Consider materials, services offered and the overall benefits of hiring one professional over another. For example, if you need to invest in flooring for your home, does the company offer a variety of choices that may fit all of your needs or will you need to turn to more than one company?
As you take into consideration who to hire, it is a good idea to give yourself some flexibility by calling more than one company. Do let the company know where you found their ad so the company knows what it offered or promised in that ad. This is especially important in situations where warranties, guarantees or special offers are presented.
The Yellow Pages can help you to find the right companies to work with for any project or need you have. However, not all companies in those advertisements are going to be worth working with and paying for all the time. Therefore, it is up to you to choose a company based on the information provided that is best.