I was watching a course by Bonnie Bruderer called "Find Your Inner Purpose" and I got extreme value out of it. She spoke about her background and her career and how she worked and traveled with Tony Robbins at one point. She talked about how Tony did an exercise while on tour where you had to recognize what your biggest fear was. Then you had to find three absolute complete strangers and tell them what your biggest fear was and in return they would share theirs.
I was watching a course by Bonnie Bruderer called "Find Your Inner Purpose" and I got extreme value out of it. She spoke about her background and her career and how she worked and traveled with Tony Robbins at one point. She talked about how Tony did an exercise while on tour where you had to recognize what your biggest fear was. Then you had to find three absolute complete strangers and tell them what your biggest fear was and in return they would share theirs.
Bonnie expressed that after working through the "embarrassment" of sharing what her fear was and hearing what some other folks fears were as she shared hers,
she realized that some of the people sharing their fears with her seemed very silly. And finally it dawned on her that if she was thinking that some of their fears were silly than the same was probably happening with other folks. So that exercise helped people out tremendously with recognizing what their fears were and helped them get over them.
Napolean Hill was probably one of the first persons to speak about how having a purpose is key to staying in business and sustaining as a whole. Bonnie's main theme spoke around purpose as well. With any goal or business you have to have a purpose that is not centered around you because you will not stand the test of time. Its just human nature that we will do more for other people than we will for ourselves.
Bruderer speaks about what FEAR stands for, False, Evidence, Appearing Real. And this is so true. We are our biggest enemy. We have built these fears up through our past experiences, and we allow it to take hold of our lives. If we want to live the life of our dreams, have the business of our dreams, we have to break out of our fear, and Bonnie speaks about some of things you can get started with to break out of your fear.
You first must identify and acknowledge your fear. Just like in AA (Alcoholics Anonymous) if you don't or can't realize the problem, how can you ever expect to solve it. Then you write down on a sheet of paper (or two) what your biggest fears are, and what it has held you back from. Write down what you would do if you had a magic wand and could change things in the area of your health, relationships, and your finances. Chances are there will be a gap between all the things you wrote down speaking about your fears, and what you would change with your magic wand. And what you want to do of course is bridge the gap.
The movie called "The Secret" opened alot of people's eyes to the law of attraction and this is the main ingredient to what Bonnie's discussion is about. We have to learn to align our thoughts in such a way that speaks things into existence. Bonnie tells about a "game" that she practices called "Remember When..." And how the game is played is you speak about things that have not come to past as if they have already. So say you are a single woman, and you desire to be wed and have children. So the game would go "Remember when you met the man of your dreams at that art exhibit, and how he was everything you hoped for, and how wonderful he treated you and swept you off your feet? Remember how beautiful your wedding was in Rome, Italy and how Tony Robbins was there and all of your family and friends you hadn't seen in years? Remember the birth of your precious little boy Tommy, and how you cried of joy as you held him for the first time? All these events did not happen YET, but the mind can not determine between what is real and what is fantasy. So if you train your mind to think on the things you want to have in life, the law of attraction will do everything in its power to conspire it for you, because your power, your brainwaves are attracting. This is a very powerful exercise.
I absolutely loved this course by Bonnie Bruderer, and I highly recommend everyone to look into what she's about and to read more about her. The "Remember When" exercise is powerful. I challenge you to give it a try and watch how things happen in your life.