Know More About Intensive Care Unit Nurse
There are various patients admitted in the hospitals, but some of them need immediate response from the doctors. The intensive care unit department of nursing deals with the residents suffering from serious disorder or injury, which is required to heal up or controlled quickly.
There are various patients admitted in the hospitals,

but some of them need immediate response from the doctors. The intensive care unit department of nursing deals with the residents suffering from serious disorder or injury, which is required to heal up or controlled quickly. The intensive care nurses are quick and smart enough to handle such situations and also come up with the good results after switching it. Such nurses are also known as critical care nurses. Demand of the Intensive Care Unit NurseThe clients suffering from critical diseases or injuries cannot be put on hold, as they need urgent treatment. The numbers of residents suffering from such disorders or injuries are increasing and because of that, demand of the intensive care unit nurses is also increasing rapidly. Presently, there is lack of intensive care unit nurses in the heath care industry of the US.The aspirants, dreaming for their future as intensive care unit nurse, can only acquire this title, if they are highly skilled in performing nursing skills along with the courage to fight critical situation and coming out with positive news.How to become Intensive Care unit Nurse?The candidates, who want to be an intensive care unit nurse, need to clear the CCRN examination. The exam is held by the American association of critical care nurses. Test is consisted of two parts and that is Clinical judgments and Professional caring and ethical practice, each weighing 80% and 20% of marks, respectively. In the clinical judgment segment of the test, questions related to various topics are asked such as- cardiovascular (32%), pulmonary (17%), multi system (8%), gastrointestinal (6%), endocrine (4%), neurology (5%), renal (5%), and hematology/immunology (3%). Several questions which constitute the professional caring and ethical practice sections, includes, caring practices (4%), collaboration (4%), facilitation of learning (4%), systems thinking (2%), advocacy/moral agency (2%), response to diversity (2%) and clinical inquiry (2%).Job Duties and Responsibilities of Intensive Care Unit NurseThe hectic job duties of ICU nurses encompass - checking the conditions of the patient after every short span of time, assisting the doctor while performing operation or surgeries, prescribing pills and injections to the residents on time, supporting the client emotionally and medically, following the guidelines suggested by the doctor or physician, making the patient ready for check ups or diagnosis, maintaining the health report of the client and forwarding it to the respective physician, staying alert and reporting to the doctors if patient’s condition become out of control and various other responsibilities.Salary of the Intensive Care Unit NurseThe Intensive Care Unit nurses are rewarded with fruitful salary and benefits for their continuous care and cure to the ailing clients. The average salary that an intensive care unit nurse grasps is $68,287 annually.