Freelance writing as a job or as a career is no easy decision.
the work starts looking for freelance gigs and maybe freelance writing jobs at live music evenings. Many freelance writers know that finding freelance work can be an arduous time consuming task and may require a lot of effort. Rejection letters, query letters, and at the conclusion of it all not much is guaranteed because that is how it is in the world of self employment. One area that seems to do well is ghost writing. Ghosting writing allows you to definitely sustain yourself whilst searching for better career breaks at the same time. Ghost writing freelance writing jobs can be found all over the internet but your best place to start is with writers markets. At this time there are two great freelance writers markets out there. Elance and Guru. Both of these freelance markets are bidding centered, and in order to bid on the freelance writing jobs you need to be a full member.
Bidding On freelance writing jobs is a bit tricky, and the one point that I actually cannot stress enough is pure honesty. Your bidding process is your way of advertising yourself, and is the key to impressing potential costumers. Online customers have every reason to be afraid of the rip off. It’s not just blatant theft they fear, it’s paying for substandard work that can crate losses for them. As a freelance writer, your honesty is vital. Never try to say you can do what you cannot, and never over inflate your skill set. If a client would like ten keyword related articles on the issue of weight loss, with a word count of between 600 and 800, you must be able to nail that job down with excellence, and then it is crucial that your price display fairness as it relates to the work being done. Trust me, your awesome honesty is what will get jobs for you just as much as your actual writing skills.
Be formal and polite in your bids and always offer to give writing samples, whether it be a sample of writing relative to the job or providing a sample of your already written articles. The freelance job bidding process on Elance can last between 3 and 12 days and you may be shocked by other freelancer writers extremely low bids, with some of them being as low as $3 per 500 word article. Do not allow this process to put you off in any way. Try to remember that clients often know already that they will get what they pay for. So always be honest with your bids and prices because most clients are searching for good quality, not always the lowest bid.
I strongly suggest going to the elance and guru websites. learn all you can before you start. I have no relationship as an affiliate with them yet, so i have no links set up. Another good piece of advise, is a kindle ebook specifically devoted to bidding for writing jobs online. It never ceases to amaze me what we can gain from reading a three dollar book.
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