GPS Fleet Tracking Systems - A Brief History
Many individuals wonder how GPS fleet tracking systems got started. Here is a brief historical summary.
GPS fleet tracking systems are becoming more common but many people wonder how they originated. The initials G.P.S. stand for Global Positioning System which translates into a global navigation satellite system. These satellites allow monitoring of vehicles by individuals who have receiving capabilities. The devices were derived from military navigational programs created by the United States Department of Defense. The following is a list of when important ground breaking systems were made available.
In the 1940's,

there were radio, ground-based navigations being used during World War II. These systems are what GPS was modeled after.
The first manmade Russian satellite hit the skies in 1957. The name of the apparatus which was launched by the Soviet Union was the Sputnik. Although it was a Russian device, it generated interest around the globe, including in the United States of America. Two U.S. scientists from John Hopkins Applied Physics Lab studied Sputnik quite closely in order to more fully understand how satellites worked. These scientists were named George Weiffenbach and William Guier.
In 1960, The U.S. Navy initiated the original satellite navigational system. It was made up of five navigational devices which provided readouts every sixty minutes.By 1967 the U.S. Naval researchers created what was called a Timation device. It was linked to clocks and ended up being a predecessor to the modern day GPS tracking device.
Another system was developed in 1970 that was called the Omega Navigation system. This was further advanced than the others because it allowed worldwide access. In September of 1973, a dozen military personnel met to lay the groundwork for the DNSS which stands for Defense Navigation Satellite System. They named this system Navstar and it became the next step in developing the modern day GPS.
By the year 2000, these tracking satellites were made available to civilians due to an order made by President Bill Clinton. Prior to this, the Global Positioning Systems could only be used by military personnel.
Presently, GPS devices are being used in a multitude of ways. GPS fleet tracking enables people to navigate all over. Mapping capabilities are not only available via computer but also from cell phones and Smartphones. Citizens can track city buses with their cell phones, as well. Large companies that have fleets of automobiles can monitor their vehicles in order to ensure safety as well as track location of drivers and vans, trucks and cars. Not only could company vehicles be placed on a computerized mapping system in terms of location but other details could be gathered as well such as how much fuel was in their tanks, how fast they were being driven and many other details. If a motorist became lost or locked out of his or her car, directions could be given and locks popped to the open position via computer.
GPS fleet tracking devices have come a long way over the years. Scientists and researchers have continued to develop satellites' capabilities. Thanks to the Russian Sputnik, the U.S. Navy, military officers at the Pentagon and President Bill Clinton. Now average citizens have access to amazing information regarding global positioning and more.