Perform ATI Driver Update for a Breathtaking Graphical Experience
Every computer system, laptop or notebook makes use of graphic cards which are devices that enable us to view all kinds of images on screen.
Just like any piece of computer hardware,

a graphic card also requires drivers to ensure their communication with the rest of the system. But it is not just enough to install a driver and forget completely about it; graphic drivers need to be updated every now and then to make it compatible with the latest technologies and ensure maximum performance of your notebook. Let us take a look at how to perform an ATI driver update in a PC with Microsoft Windows XP or Vista.To perform an ATI driver update, you need to first know the type and model of the graphic card used in the system. If you are not aware of this, then use the GPU-Z program to identify the requisite card and driver make. Next, type in the website address 'http://www.' in the address bar of your internet browser and then click on 'downloads' section to find the GPU-Z program. Download the files and save them either on the desktop or any similar location before opening it. Once this process is complete, open the files and look for the name of the graphics card in the 'Name' field. The next step to carry out ATI driver update is to download the latest version of the compatible graphic driver. This can be done by visiting the webpage of the computer manufacturer like Dell, HP or Sony; the second option is to open the website '' from where you can get the updated version of your ATI driver. Click the icon 'Download graphic drivers' and type in the name of the operating system and graphic card model to ensure that you are downloading the right and compatible chipset for your system.There is also facility to choose the language you are familiar with instead of English; this can be done by selecting the language option or select the link under 'Full Catalyst Suite' for the English version. After the download process is complete, save all the files on the desktop or a convenient location for use later. Before installing the updated driver, make sure you delete the old files to avoid confusion and mix up. You may also have to restart your PC after the installation process to get the driver running again.Make sure you periodically perform ATI driver update to get enhanced visual quality for all the graphics and images and experience out-of-the-world simulations while playing games.