Recovery of Lotus Notes database can be done with the Lotus Notes Recovery Tool
I fail to understand that why users get totally upset when database of the Lotus Notes cannot be accessed. Database contains valuable information like...
I fail to understand that why users get totally upset when database of the Lotus Notes cannot be accessed. Database contains valuable information like records,

but still there is no need to worry. Now a days, it is quite easy to recover anything. Same is the case with Lotus Notes database. Reason for abrupt behavior of Lotus Notes database is the corruption. Whatever be the reason of corruption of the Notes database, it is possible to recover data out of the Lotus Notes database. In fact, updated backup is quite beneficial. But if the backup is not available, then make use of a third party Lotus Notes Recovery software.Here is an example, that appears each and every time on the screen when you try to access records or information stored in the Lotus Notes database.“The object store note that is used by this note was not found. Run the object store collect task on this database."After encountering above error message, all the records of the database becomes inaccessible.Ground Issue of the Error:Issue that is responsible for the occurrence of the above error is the Lotus Notes database. Generally, corruption in the Lotus Notes database occurs due to operating system or file system issues, malicious virus, corruption in the NSF file header, checksum mismatch, and abnormally system shutdown.Solution:To handle corruption of Lotus Notes database or to overcome all the problems related to database follow the below advices that are discussed in an absolute manner. After following these advices you will surely become able to access Lotus Notes application.(1) Latest backup will help you to sort out this problem. With the use of an updated backup you become able to get your important data back.(2) But the problem occurs when you do not have a latest backup in place. If some backup is available in the system but it is not sufficient, in such a case the only way to get back your data is to Repair Lotus Notes database with the help of a third party Lotus Notes Recovery Software. A third party software is developed to perform Lotus Notes Recovery quite well. The tool can Repair NSF File without much difficulty and makes you capable to access Lotus notes mail objects without any difficulty.Stellar Phoenix Lotus Notes Recovery v2.0 is a tool that Recovers Lotus Notes NSF file when it gets corrupt. All the objects of the mail application, such as messages, To-do, calendar-entries, contacts, and distribution lists can be easily accessed or managed. The tool supports IBM Lotus Notes 6.x and 7.x versions. It shows compatibility with Windows Vista, XP, 7, 2003, 2000 and NT4(SP6).