Experiencing Errors while working with Lotus Notes application
An error may occur in the application when something wrong is going with the internal settings. Number of other reasons are also responsible for the o...
An error may occur in the application when something wrong is going with the internal settings. Number of other reasons are also responsible for the occurrence of the error. But getting errors while working with the application provides inconvenience. Same is the case with Lotus Notes application. Lotus Notes application users also receives different error messages. But getting errors makes you unable to open Lotus Notes application or to access mail objects. Data-loss situation occurs. However to get data back if you have an updated backup along with you in your system,

then it will be a great help. Otherwise, choose a third party Lotus Notes Recovery tool that can solve the problem related to Lotus Notes corruption.Let's consider an error message that appears on the screen suddenly when you are working with the Lotus Notes e-mail client. An error message flashes on the screen and makes you unable to use NSF file. All the data of the NSF file remains untouched.“Server error: file is in use by another program.”On getting above error message, you cannot open NSF file and whole data of the NSF file becomes inaccessible. Every time you receives an error message whenever you try to access or manage NSF file.Cause:The main cause for the occurrence of the above error message is the corruption of the Lotus Notes NSF file. NSF file acts as a database that is responsible for storing all the data.Resolution:Resolving above error and to access the NSF file accessible, there is a need of some commands to be executed in your system on CMD (command prompt):nfixup c:lotusnotesdata(filename)nupdall -r c:lotusnotesdata(filename)ncompact c:lotusnotesdata(filename)The above set of commands greatly help to overcome above error message and you can easily access or manage data of the NSF file by executing these commands. But in rare cases, these set of commands fail to resolve above error message. To overcome such situation, if you have a latest backup in your system, then it is quite helpful. Otherwise, you have an option of a third party Lotus Notes Recovery Tool.A third party Lotus Notes Recovery software is an effective answer to the above error. The tool is executed on the NSF file of the Lotus Notes. Firstly, NSF file is scanned, then repaired and at finally restored. To Recover Lotus Notes application and makes you able to access all the mail-objects, such as messages, To-do, calendar-entries, contacts, and distribution-lists of the Lotus Notes application .Stellar Phoenix Lotus Notes Recovery v2.0 is specially designed to Repair NSF File and allows you to access or manage Lotus Notes mail-objects. The tool holds Lotus Notes 6.x and 7.x version. It provides an additional feature of Live update feature to install latest software updates. It shows compatibility with Windows 7, XP, Vista, 2003, 2000, and NT4(SP6). The tool does not require the user to have prior recovery experience.