Break Up Recovery: Getting Over Your Ex

Jan 22


Saju Asokan

Saju Asokan

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Breaking up is tough, especially when feelings run deep. But moving on is crucial for your well-being. Here’s a straightforward guide to help you get your ex out of your head and start fresh. Whether your relationship was serious or just a fling, these tips can help you heal and move forward.


Key Steps to Move On

1. Cut Off Communication

  • Why: Continuing contact prolongs the pain.
  • How: After trying to fix things,Break Up Recovery: Getting Over Your Ex Articles if it doesn’t work, stop all communication—no calls, texts, or social media interactions.
  • Perspective: Some believe cutting ties is essential for healing, while others think limited contact can help maintain a friendship. Psychology Today discusses the pros and cons of staying friends with an ex.

2. Set a Time Limit for Waiting

  • Why: Waiting indefinitely can harm your mental health.
  • How: Decide on a reasonable time to wait, then let go if they don’t return.
  • Perspective: Some argue that setting a deadline helps you move on, while others feel that love should be patient. The Guardian explores the idea of waiting for love.

3. Store or Discard Their Belongings

  • Why: Keeping reminders can hinder your progress.
  • How: If you’re tempted to reminisce, consider storing or discarding their items.
  • Perspective: Some find comfort in keeping mementos, while others prefer a clean break. Bustle offers insights on what to do with gifts from an ex.

4. Avoid Places You Used to Visit Together

  • Why: Familiar places can trigger memories.
  • How: Stay away from spots you frequented as a couple.
  • Perspective: Some suggest avoiding these places entirely, while others recommend facing them to desensitize yourself.

5. Don’t Overanalyze Their Actions

  • Why: Overthinking can create false hope.
  • How: Accept their actions at face value and avoid reading into them.
  • Perspective: Some believe analyzing can provide closure, while others think it leads to unnecessary stress.

Interesting Stats

  • Breakup Recovery Time: On average, it takes about 11 weeks to feel better after a breakup, according to a study by Journal of Positive Psychology.
  • Emotional Impact: 71% of people report feeling relief after a breakup, while 60% feel regret, as per a survey by YouGov.


Moving on from a breakup is challenging but necessary. By cutting off communication, setting boundaries, and focusing on yourself, you can heal and open up to new possibilities. Remember, everyone’s journey is different, so find what works best for you.

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