Breaking Up Advice to Get Your Ex Back Fast - Proven Method to Win Them Back
Do you feel you are really making it through your break up the best possible way? Break up survival isn't only about putting one foot in front of the other until your heart has time to heal. It's about getting the best out of each day until you've made the moves necessary to make your heart heal.
Who would've thought that the most proven method,
breaking up advice, is really the perfect advice for helping you get your ex back? Believe it or not it's true. When you break up with someone it's a great way to make them much more interested and willing to work things out and make the relationship better than ever before. It's like a splash of cold water that brings you both back to reality and it works surprisingly fast.
Are you looking to get your ex back? Don't scoff at this proven method for breaking up advice designed to get your ex back rather than pushing him away. So, what should you do?
Avoid doing what is Expected
The last thing you want to be at a time like this is predictable. You want to keep your ex guessing and working to worm his way back into your good graces. Keep him on his toes and he'll keep coming back for more.
How can you avoid doing what is expected? By breaking from routine. The odds are good that following the same old routine is what led you to this place to begin with. It's time to shake things up and do something a little new, different, and exciting.
Establish Goals for Your Relationship
Even though you're apart you can still set goals. If you're trying to get your ex back, goal setting is an important part of the process. Set goals for different degrees of closeness and affection between the two of you and then set out to achieve those goals.
Goals you might want to consider include: making physical changes, reaching emotional milestones, and controlling your temper just to get started. You'll have to find goals that are more appropriate to you and the type of relationship you had together.
Be Accountable for Successes and Failures
Accountability is something that is in surprisingly short supply lately. Be accountable to yourself for failing to meet goals. At the same time you should also reward yourself for the goals you do achieve.
Reward and punishment are great motivators. Use them well. Some rewards you might consider are new hair styles, new video games, or even a night on the town with friends. Be sure that you're doing things to encourage an active lifestyle whenever possible. You don't want to exacerbate existing problems by creating potential health problems along the way.
Who needs a fancy proven method with breaking up advice like this so readily available?