Craigslist personals no longer exist, and while you can still find an art piece or a new roommate on Craigslist, finding a partner or someone to have fun with is no longer the possibility. It was a sad day for many Craigslist users when they realized Craigslist personals shut down. Frankly, many people found the love of their life thanks to Craigslist personals, as it was the leading website at the time featuring that kind of category. So why did Craigslist remove personals and what happened to craigslist personal section? Curious? Continue reading to learn more about the downfall of the section everyone loved so very much.
Craigslist personals no longer exist, and while you can still find an art piece or a new roommate on Craigslist, finding a partner or someone to have fun with is no longer the possibility. It was a sad day for many Craigslist users when they realized Craigslist personals shut down. Frankly, many people found the love of their life thanks to Craigslist personals, as it was the leading website at the time featuring that kind of category. So why did Craigslist remove personals and what happened to craigslist personal section? Curious? Continue reading to learn more about the downfall of the section everyone loved so very much.
What Is Craigslist And What Makes It So Special?
Craigslist is one of the oldest websites that allows classified advertisements as well as the promotion of services worldwide. Craigslist was founded back in 1995. by a man named Craig Newmark. Back in the days, Craigslist used to be one of the biggest websites on the entire internet, everyone knew about it, everyone used it and everyone has known about its famous ‘’Personals’’ section. Craigslist personals section was designed to allow men and women to look for potential partners and if lucky enough, help them find the love of their life. Sadly, once Craigslist was forced into closing this section, many people ended up looking for Craigslist alternatives and stopped visiting Craigslist as they once had before.
What Really Happened To Craigslist Personals?
Craigslist personals section was taken down back in 2018. and the reason behind it was nothing less than combating sex and human trafficking. According to the US Congress and the law, as it is, Craigslist personals was mainly used as a section that provided a platform for sexual exploitation and a lot of prostitution. While that might be true in one way or another, it is really unfair since Craigslist personals was not really meant to be a platform for such things at all. This happened simply because Craigslist used to have adult/erotic services section before it was closed down and moved to the personals section. Of course, after the adult/erotic services section migrated to the personals section, the personals section was not as safe and clean as it was before. Many have used Craigslist personals to look for dates, as well as escorts, sex workers, therapists that do erotic massages and a lot more. Of course, at the time when the US Congress figured it all out, Craigslist had no other choice but to shut down the section instead of shutting down the entire website, and with that decision, many people ended up feeling miserable thinking they will never be able to look for new online dates ever again.