Online gay dating or out personals sites has come out as a blessing for closeted gays. This alternative sex practice is much frowned upon by traditional society even today. Nevertheless, gay lifestyle has been in practice since ages and is here to stay…
The popularity of gay lifestyle is understood from the number of gay dating web sites that has currently sprung up on Internet. It is a good platform for closeted gays to contact gay males for gay love, romance and sexual relationship as anyone else would wish for. Many gay dating sites provides free online gay personals for seeking gays.
Gay's Out Personal
Outpersonals, Queer - these words characterize gay lifestyle, which till today is not an accepted mode of life to a large populace on earth. Even in modern, fast-paced societies where liberal attitudes and sexual liberation are a norm, gay men are looked down upon. Gay activity is sneered or scorn upon and they are looked down as queers or out personals the naming to is self explanatory.
Social Lifestyle:
Country politics and social caretakers indulge in raging discussions on gay lifestyles and gay rights in discussion forums, parliament, and conventions. There is a marked hesitancy in accepting gays in government services and other public enterprises, though some nations have accorded acceptance but more has to be done. In many instance persons discovered as following gay lifestyle have been debarred from office jobs and social circles.
The crux is that homosexuality is in practice since ages and it is still as popular, without any signs of receding or vanishing from the face of earth. Then why not accept it since it does not impinge on anyone’s privacy or way of life. Nor is it detrimental to the society since gay dating lifestyle is a much-closeted practice.
I am not arguing for gay life as a gay-which I am not-but what I want to stress is that everyone has a right to express his or her sexuality and practice as long as it does not hurt others.
Gay Activity and Relationship
The reason behind ridicule or sneer of gay lifestyle is that it is a biological variances as sex is for procreation and a man-to-man sex does not give birth to new being. But then, anal sex practice is not limited to gay couples only, it is much practiced by straight couples too, so what is funny. Any way gay romance and love is a very strong force that binds the gay couple together sometimes in permanent relationship.
Sex is for procreation but it is for pleasure too, and any which way you can. Therefore, "Out" sex practice is not restricted to guys only but rather practiced by straight lifestyle followers in some way or the other. So live and let live.
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