Relationship Advice on ways to get reconciled with an ex boyfriend. Tips to make your ex boyfriend love you again and Expert Tips to get your ex boyfriend back in your life. Advice on how to get my Ex Boyfriend back.
welcome I will share some tricks on how to get your ex boyfriend back. Since it is said in Greek mythology, that Aphrodite the goddess of love was born here. I wish that her power will be with you, especially in the next several weeks… I think that you are here because you have had a break up or are about to break up. I know how you feel, and I know how much you are suffering. A few years ago the same things happened to me too. I do not want to remember those days. I was calling, sending text messages, trying to find out what was wrong and apologizing. One day I found myself in front of my computer, and I wrote “how to get your ex boyfriend back”. I read many articles and e-books. I discovered how male psychology works and how can I avoid repeating these huge mistakes. Now we are together, and we love each other even more than before. We have to know the value of each other. Do you know why I am here? I want to share what I have learned, and I think you are here to learn how to get your ex boyfriend back! So you need to know how to get your ex boyfriend back. And you want to get him back fast, before he starts dating someone else. But you don’t want to look desperate. And you definitely don’t want to beg him to take you back. So how do you get your ex boyfriend back — the right way? If you’ve looked around for the best how to get your ex boyfriend back tips, then chances are good that you’ve seen a couple of standard ones. Such as “act as if you don’t want him anymore”. Or “let him see what he’s missing”. And honestly, those are some great tips. When it comes to getting your boyfriend back, you really do want to give him a chance to remember what he’s missing. And you don’t want him to think that your life revolves around him. Because guess what? It doesn’t. You were just fine before you met him, and you’ll be just fine if you never do get back together. That doesn’t mean that you shouldn’t try to get him back. It just means that if you CHOOSE to move on, you’ll be just fine. Keep that in the back of your mind as you go through this process, and it will make things a lot easier. Now. What is step one of how to get your ex boyfriend back? This might sound crazy, but step one is to get your head on straight. That means that you need to stop focusing on the fact that he isn’t with you anymore. You need to concentrate on what life is like WITH him, not what it’s like without him. You can’t focus on him not being with you, and ever attract him back into your life. You need to figure out how to feel good right now, without him, if you’re going to get him back. Focus on the end result that you want, not what is happening right now. Right now is only temporary. It’s not permanent. This is YOUR life, and you get to decide who is in your life and who isn’t. You get to control what happens to you. Of course that doesn’t mean that step one of how to get your ex boyfriend back is to stalk him. haha. ;) What it means, is that you (in your mind, don’t tell anyone else or they’ll think you’re crazy!) need to focus your thoughts around what you want your life to be like. Think about how things were with your boyfriend in the beginning. Think about everything about him that makes you happy. Make lists of things you love about him. Here’s the key to this: You have to do it in such a way that it makes you HAPPY, not sad. If you’re doing this and you keep wanting to cry because it makes you feel like you’re poking at the hole in your heart that started when you broke up, then it’s only going to make it worse. You have to do it with the intention of feeling the love you have for him. You have to do it for the enjoyment of it. NOT for torturing yourself with his absense. The best way to figure out how to get your ex boyfriend back is to focus on the BEST part of your life with him and what your life will look like moving forward. And KNOW that you can get him back and that everything will be great again. Know, with every part of your being, that you love him and you love your life with him, and no matter how the break up started, you can get him back. So, please let me first inform you about some of the huge mistakes you might be doing, to prevent you from pushing your ex boyfriend away: 1. Calling him again and again. This is one of the biggest and most common mistakes you can do while you are trying to get your ex boyfriend back. I know you are so sorry, maybe you are in a panic, and you cannot stop calling him. You desperately want to hear his voice again. You want him talk to you and to say he still loves you. You want him to change his mind and start calling you, so you find yourself sitting by the phone waiting for it to ring. Unfortunately, you find yourself calling, texting or emailing again and again. Additionally, you start sending messages that seem to get more incoherent than the last message, and he is still telling you to leave him alone. This means he does not want to hear anything from you. 2. Apologizing many times and telling love Maybe you are making the mistake of begging and asking for forgiveness, and expecting to hear that everything is OK, and hear that he still loves you so much. This does not work at this moment because he is disappointed, angry and sad. 3. Staying friends How to Get Your Ex Boyfriend Back and LoveYou may suppose that if you stay friends, one day he will decide decide that he still wants you, then he will ask you to be his girl and you will get your ex boyfriend back again. However, unfortunately, it may have the opposite effect. He may not understand how much he cares about you. In this case, he will not get the feeling of a life without you. 4. Do not try to be in touch with his family to try to help you You might attempt to talk to you ex boyfriends’ mother, father, brother, sister or friends, in order to get help in getting your ex boyfriend back. Believe me, this will only strengthen the decision that he made to stop the relationship. None of his family can tell him what to do or what not to do, he is his own person, and only he can make the decision about your relationship. 5. Letting your ex boyfriend to take all control of your life You may not be aware of this, but it is very dangerous: Over analysing. Do not spend every awaking moment trying to analyse everything that has happened since you have broken up, or just before you had broken up. Do not stick to the memories. Do not continuously talk to your friends about it. 6. Giving or lending money You think if you give or lend him money, then you will have a reason to contact him. Believe me, this is one of the biggest mistakes you could ever do. Have some self respect and, please, never do this. From the aspect of male psychology, men are happy when they are giving, and they do not have much respect for girls who are always trying to give to them. They start to call you just whenever they need money. They will continue to do this if they can see some cash at the end of it. I have mentioned the 6 biggest mistakes here which I have seen, but actually there are many mistakes that you have probably made in trying to get your ex boyfriend back. Discover the exact words to say and actions to take using tips from experts visit links below at the Author's Bio.