The low costs and high returns and convenience of email marketing means that your competition are using it just as much as you are. As a result, the inbox of your prospects and customers get full of messages, some of which are deleted without even being read. Here are 10 steps to creating an effective email marketing campaign.
An email marketing campaign attracts new customers, keeps and builds relationships with existing ones and up-sells or cross-sells your products and services. It is one of the cheapest marketing tools that you can use to communicate directly with your prospective, existing and past customers. Here are 10 steps to creating an effective email marketing campaign.
1. Test Your Subject Lines.
Your subject line is like a headline of an advertisement. if it does not attract the attention and interest of the reader, it will be ignored.
2. Write Your Content So That It Is Easy To Read.
The first few lines of your text have to be as interesting and relevant as possible. Many people set their in boxes to show the first few words or lines of an email to see if it is worth reading. If it's not, they will delete it and your message could be gone forever.
3. Don't Keep Sending The Same Message.
Your prospective customers will buy when they are ready to buy, not when you are ready to sell. If they always gets the same information and that information is always trying to sell them something, they will start to ignore your messages. Keep in contact with news and stories with relevant information.
4. Have A Call To Action
Make it obvious what you want action you want your readers to take. Use text that has a compelling reason to click on the link and try to avoid just saying 'click here'. Always remember the objective of your email marketing campaign.
5. Always Provide Value
People buy from people, organizations and brands they like and respect. If your only goal is just to just sell stuff and make money, you will not build any relationship with your list and lots of people will unsubscribe from your list.
6. Who Are Your Customers?
Know the fears, needs, desires or wants that your clients or prospects have and let them know how your product or service meets or solves it for them. Remember that no product or service can be all things to all people. If you don't know what your readers want, ask them!
7. Test Before Sending It.
Do not send your email marketing campaign without making sure that it is working. Send the email to yourself to check that it looks and reads as you intended, all your links work, and any personalisation is working correctly.
8. Let People Unsubscribe If They Want To.
Remember that people have given you their email address and their permission to send emails to them. If somebody decides that they do not want to receive emails anymore, let them unsubscribe easily. If a recipient has lost interest in receiving your emails, it is very unlikely that they will ever become a customer.
9. Remain Consistent.
There is no right or wrong answer on how many emails you should send each week or month. Have a plan of how often you will send your emails, stick to it and avoid irregular schedules. If you email twice a week and then start emailing twice a day, then revert to once a week, your recipients may well become fed-up and unsubscribe.
10. Get An Autoresponder.
Autoresponder software can manage many more emails than you could ever process yourself and makes it possible for you to stay in contact with your customers and prospects around the clock. It will follow-up prospects on auto-pilot with a series of pre-written email messages at pre-set times.
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