If you are a newcomer to internet marketing or have been trying without success to make money online, then you should definitely consider using the services of a good mentor who can help you avoid costly mistakes and can help you to fast-track your success online.
Successful online marketers know that mentors are great for reaching goals year after year. A good mentor can be worth his or weight in gold for three main reasons.
1) Increased & Efficient Speed of Business Start Up and Growth - Mentors can help you cut to the chase in your business and avoid many pitfalls that can cost your company and you lots of time, energy, money and other resources.
Where a lonely newbie needs to pick and choose among many things like web hosting, autoresponder services, shopping cart set ups, merchant accounts, a lot of time goes into researching each item before choosing. This could involve seeking testimonials from others, too, if info is not readily available.
Then, after a piecemeal solution, the chosen components may not actually add up to a good system for the business model.
For example, sure, the autoreponders may work fine, and also the web hosting package and shopping cart tools. But not for your product or services. You may want a simpler, less costly solution using only Paypal buttons on free blogging pages at Wordpress.com or Blogger.com to see if you have buyers, testing the marketplace for a solid foundation before growing large, maybe too large.
Hence you may waste too much money in monthly fees and too much time with learning curves, learning all the components, until you get your system adjusted over time. Whereas had you started out small, you'd be able to have more time and money to move forward once your product and marketing for it prove sales worthy.
2) Long Term Growth with Solid Foundation - The start up who has no mentor, may accidentally set up his or her business operations around fly by night systems or operations on the web.
For example, many people who were in awe over Google Adsense pay-per-click (PPC) advertising when it first came out, built site after site and left them alone, generating revenue while they slept.
Many of these cookie cutter websites were horribly ugly blatant ad sites that eventually became dropped from the search engines, as the preference moved towards sites updated regularly with fresh content of some type, be it blog posts, visitor comments or forum posts, new articles, video clips or other content. "Content is king!" was the topic of discussion all over the web.
A good mentor is familiar with trends in the industry. He or she will know which online article directories are a complete waste of time to mess with, for instance, and how to set up sites for long term growth, building on a solid foundation.
3) Peace of Mind - All work and no play isn't good for anyone. And successful people know you need to give back to your community and to others to really achieve ultimate success.
They know balance is the key to a happy life and business, and can help you achieve a more balanced life, one that includes free time, family time, volunteer time, and more, so you are not just a workaholic!
The idea is to build a business that can make money online for you on virtual autopilot. After all, you don't want to swap one 9-5 grind for another, do you?
That's why most of the successful internet marketers online today chose to use the services of a mentor in order to achieve success online.
Working with a mentor who has already made and learned from the most common mistakes (so you don't have to) can be the quickest way to your own successful internet marketing business even (or especially) when you are just starting out!
Learn Affiliate Marketing The Easy Step By Step Way
If you're tired of commuting to and from work every day and dealing with traffic on a continual basis, then affiliate marketing is something that will be of interest to you. If working from home and setting your own hours while watching your income grow sounds appealing, then a professional course to learn affiliate marketing can be extremely beneficial and can fast-track you to earning quickly.Learn Affiliate Marketing - An Easy And Reliable Way To Make Money Online!
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