In order for you to be able to sell your items online, they must first be apart of your store. This means that you must add the items you wish to sell to eBay. For first-timers, this may be a bit confusing, so here is a quick and easy rundown of how to add items to your eBay store.
In order for you to be able to sell your items online, they must first be apart of your store. This means that you must add the items you wish to sell to eBay. For first-timers, this may be a bit confusing, so here is a quick and easy rundown of how to add items to your eBay store.
Gather up all of the items that you wish to sell and take pictures of each of them. Using a digital camera is the easiest because you can upload the photographs straight to eBay from your computer. If you do not have a digital camera, you can usually have a photo CD made from your printed pictures at a local photography store. Alternatively, if you have a scanner you can scan the pictures to your computer yourself.
Take pictures from different angles (front, back, sides) for all of the items you are adding to your store. If there are any imperfections on the item, such as scratches, nicks, or tears, make sure to include photographs of these, as well. It is important for the bidders to be fully aware of what they are trying to buy, so that everyone's expectations are in line.
Next, you need to write detailed descriptions of all of your different items. Be as detailed and descriptive as you possibly can and feel free to borrow information from the manufacturer, especially in cases where the item is difficult to describe or very technical. However, you must rewrite all of the information you borrow in your own words; otherwise, the manufacturer is allowed to have you pull your listing. This can cause you to lose money re-listing the item.
Like before, make sure to list any imperfections. Do not assume that the buyers will be able to get all of the necessary information from your photographs. The pictures and the description of the item(s) should reinforce each other. Again, you do not want buyers to be surprised at what shows up on their doorsteps.
Once you have both your pictures and your descriptions ready, log in to eBay (your seller account) and head to your store. Click "Add Item," copy and paste the item description you wrote, and add your photographs. You will also need to give the sale price of your item, the shipping method, the shipping price, and, if you have a return policy, exactly what it is.
If you have already created a template for selling items on your eBay store, be sure to include it. This can both help to unify the look of your store and to make your store appear more professional. It is also a great way to increase the numbers of views and hits on your store, especially if the template includes your store's name.
Once you have added all of the item's information and pictures, you are ready to list it in your store. Please note that while you can see the listing immediately, it is totally normal for it to take a few hours before buyers can see your item. Be patient. Buyers will be able to search and view your items before you know it
Using Marketing Techniques to Make More Money on eBay
Marketing is the foundation of a good business. If customers do not know who you are or where to find you, they cannot purchase your products (regardless of how good those products may be). Creative marketing can create buzz about your store and have a very positive impact on your business.How to Customize Your eBay Store
Once you have an official eBay store up and running, you will most likely see an increase in both traffic and business. As this happens, you will probably want to customize your store to reflect your own personality and business style (but remember, keeping the store looking clean, polished, and professional trumps all else). Fortunately, altering and customizing your store is very easy.About Me Page Boosts Your eBay Business
Advertising is extremely important, especially when you are just starting a business. Buying ad space or starting a marketing campaign are certainly good options to getting your name out there, but there are also inexpensive and less time consuming ways to let people know about your eBay store. One of these methods is writing an About Me page.