Instant paying affiliate programs enable you to get paid straight away without having to wait a few weeks for your payments to clear. This is very appealing to affiliate marketers because they quickly get their advertising spend back which they can then put right back into more promotional campaigns.
Instant paying affiliate programs enable you to get paid straight away without having to wait a few weeks for your payments to clear.
This is very appealing to affiliate marketers because they quickly get their advertising spend back which they can then put right back into more promotional campaigns.
In this article we will look at a number of ideas for how you can find the best affiliate programs that pay instantly and also reveal how to use these types of programs to earn a full-time income online.
PaySpree - This is an affiliate marketplace that enables you to earn instant commissions via Paypal. Instead of paying the vendor, customer payment goes directly into your Paypal account and there is no middle man. There are a number of 100% commisisons affiliate programs on Payspree and as a result you receive all payments directly. When they are providing say 50% commissions then the payment for each purchase will alternate between you and the product vendor.
JVZoo - This is another very popular instant payment affiliate marketplace, and one of the newest around. Many of the product vendors over at the Warrior Forum are using JVZoo as their means to sell their products as well as to recruit affiliates to drive traffic for them. The only disadvantage to JVZoo for affiliates is that you often need to apply for approval to promote certain products and as a new promoter you might need to wait 90 days for your first commissions before you are legible to earn 100% payouts from that point onwards.
Direct From Product Vendor - Many product vendors will let you promote their products for 100% commission instant payment. These programs are usually run directly by the marketer in question, often with a platform called InfusionSoft. The benefit to going direct to the vendor via their InfusionSoft program is that you are often also given credit for all backend sales as part of their funnel rather than just the initial front end sale.
Business Opportunities - The new wave of online business opportunities are providing instant bank account payments. So instead of having to wait a few weeks for payments to clear you can deposit money directly into your bank via a merchant account. The payouts are usually much more than typical products because these opportunities often have high ticket items as part of the sales funnel. The only disadvantage with this method is that you usually need to have purchased the products first in order to qualify to resell them as an affiliate.
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