Being determined to see your dreams and passions come to past is going to take a whole lot of work. Are you willing to go beyond what most people give up on?
Copyright (c) 2007 Iris Shamble
Working at home has been around for many years. There are a lot of mothers making a quality decision to be at home with their children while they are young.
Whether you would like to be in your home while they are young, or at a later age, make the best of your decision in whatever you choose to do. Remember we have one good quality moment to make the best of motherhood.
I made this quality decision while my daughters were young, and I enjoyed every moment of it. These are truly years that we cannot get back and should be well respected.
While I realize each and everyone financially may not be able to stay home with their children, do the best you can with the time you have. While in my home I chose to provide in-home childcare to others, while bringing income into my home for my family. This allowed me to contribute to our family needs. It was a great benefit to our household at this time.
My desire for working at home became so passionate that I would spend hours and days researching on the internet for a legitimate job. I would wean out so many scams that it almost got discouraging. One thing I came to a conclusion about is whenever there is something real; someone will always take and pervert it into a scam of some sort for their passion. This is truly a shame; however I never let this deter me in anyway.
I've worked with various positions from home such as: merchandising, in-home demonstrator, mystery shoppers, call center, telemarketer. So it is real and it is out there, you must be persistent and consistent in order to succeed with this desire.
Also remember when you come across any idea or opportunities please research it through either the BBB for that area or even . There are other sites that can help you verify if the opportunity is real or not.
Just because you decide on an opportunity and it doesn't work out for you, don't give up. Every opportunity is not for everybody. So you have to find what will work for you and only you! Your passion and desire is not going to be the same as my passion and desire. We must realize we all have some type of desire in our heart that I am almost sure we can bring real success from it, if we pursue it. The problem is most people sad to say do not have the will power to follow that passion and make a success out of it. It takes work – that word that most of us do not like to hear.
I leave you with this quote – "Be Passionate – Be Determined – Be Successful"!
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