One of the great debates in the multi-level marketing world is how to introduce someone new to the company. Do you let them know about the product first or about the opportunity to recruit and build a team? While it may be that there is not a one-size-fits-all solution to this question, most of the time it is better to lead with the product.
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One of the great debates in the multi-level marketing world is how to introduce someone new to the company. Do you let them know about the product first or about the opportunity to recruit and build a team? While it may be that there is not a one-size-fits-all solution to this question, most of the time it is better to lead with the product.
One of the reasons that a person might look seriously at a multi-level marketing company do so because they don't like what they do. They don't believe in the company they work for or what they are doing for whatever reason. You want that person to love what they do. In order to love their multi-level marketing company, they need to believe in the products and they need to be consuming that product themselves. Otherwise, why would they ever want to tell anyone else about the products?
The entire company is built on the product. If no product moves, nobody is going to make money, no matter how big of a team you have. For many companies, autoship, or automatically receiving a certain amount of product each month is the backbone of the company. Most autoships are designed to give your customer (or yourself) one months worth of product. If they don't love the product, why would they want to commit to buying it each month? If they aren't using the product, but do commit to autoship, pretty soon they have a garage full of product and then no one is happy.
Perhaps the best reason to make sure you lead with the product is the fact that if your customer loves the product, they are gong to want to know more about the company. Once they find our how great the company is, they are going to want to let others know about this great company with these great products. Their team is born.
This approach is one to use with people that are not familiar with multi-level marketing or have, perhaps, been involved before, but not experienced the success they desired. If you always lead with the opportunity you can set up unrealistic expectations and you may experience much higher drop out rates. People that love the product and have been given a little time to learn about the product are more receptive to the recruiting opportunity and are less likely to drop out.
If you have been experiencing a high drop out rate and would like to keep your recruits, you might consider this approach. What have you got to lose?
Recipe for Trouble:Documentation (or Lack Thereof)
We all like to trust people and we would like really be much better of if people always did what they said they would do. But we all know that this is not always the case. If you are a business owner, you can find yourself in deep trouble if you do not document.Recipe for Trouble: IT
Depending on how dependent your company is on computers, IT (or information technology) can be your biggest ally or the biggest thorn in your side. While people tend to refer to IT for anything that involves computers, information technology can encompass a very large variety of business needs from servers to websites. There is no one-size-fits-all IT professional any more than there is a one size fits all employee of any type.Water is Water Right? Wrong!
We all know that we should probably be drinking more water. We have all heard the health benefits staying hydrated. But we get busy and we forget to drink. So we stop by the drinking fountain and take a quick sip or hit the office water cooler and we think we are getting the hydration we need. But hydration is not even enough. We also need the proper trace minerals.