As America continues to strive for economic recovery, we must realize the impact of our roles as consumers and make purchasing decisions which will aid us all through this process.
Another Christmas shopping frenzy is behind us and once again I ask myself how much of the money spent on all those gifts is staying in this country. I'm guessing not very much.
I suspect that the stores selling this stuff didn't end up with a lot of the money because in order to draw shoppers they had to sell their wares at dirt-cheap prices. Which means they had to cut their profit margins so much, one wonders how they manage to stay in business.
And I know that few American workers profited from it because most of the gifts sold were made in other countries. There is much panic in this land over the high unemployment rate, yet I'm willing to bet that the people doing the loudest shouting about this are the ones who did all their shopping at (insert name of your favorite discount store here) where you'd be hard pressed to find something made in the USA. Can you imagine the jobs that would be created if the manufacturers of these products decided to bring the jobs making them back to this country?
But that's not likely to happen. As usual, greed and the dollar win this contest. Greed of the companies because the people at the top don't want to lose their very cushy lifestyles which they would have to modify if they had to pay American labor to make their goods. Greed of the stock market where the desired direction is "up", no matter who gets trampled on. And of course greed of the American consumer who wants to buy as many items as possible, preferably at prices that exist only because some person in another country gets paid ten cents an hour to produce that sweater, or toy, or whatever.
Do we really need hundreds of items in our closets? Instead of buying all that stuff that's made somewhere else, why not take the money and buy just a few items made here?
Remember, every time you buy something that's made in another country, you are providing employment for a foreign worker. When are you going to wake up and take an interest in the American worker? How bad does it have to get before you demand that your favorite stores carry USA-made products? Would you be willing to live with less stuff if it meant that some of your fellow Americans might have a job again?
Buying more and more things will not save this economy. Making wise choices that bring back American jobs will. This won't happen right away, and perhaps it's too late already. But does anyone really want the children of 2109 to read in school that their country was brought down by greed and mindless consumerism?
I didn't think so.