The Top Five Things You Need to Know about SEO

Nov 21


Scott Oliver

Scott Oliver

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SEO, or search engine optimization, is the key to getting to the top of that search engine page. By learning how to use SEO, you can begin to draw in more visitors to your website.


Whether you built your business website or not,The Top Five Things You Need to Know about SEO Articles you need to learn about SEO. Search Engine Optimization is the key to getting your website in the forefront of visitors' minds. Based upon the idea that the more keywords you have in your site, the more likely you will match the visitor's query, SEO is the hot topic of debate among those with websites. And with its ever changing rule system, you need to find out what the rules actually are and how to use them to your advantage.

SEO is More Than Keywords

It seems simple enough ' add more keywords and you will rank higher in search engine listings. This used to be the main rule for websites, but things have changed. Though you are still ranked according to how many keywords you have in your site, it's also ranked according to how many other related keywords you have as well as other factors. In the 'old' days, websites used to just stuff their sites with keywords, making the text unreadable and often unrelated to the visitor's search. Those in charge of the ranking system realized just how easy this rule could be manipulated, so you should think about more than just the keywords.

SEO Works for Websites

But while it sounds like it's getting trickier, SEO does work and you can make it work for you. Once you learn the rules of SEO, you will be able to see a large jump in your page's relevance on the search engine result page. And what's more, the more people who come to your site because of this jump, the higher your site will be in the listings over the long haul.

SEO Requires Quality Articles

One of the first things you need to keep in mind for writing the text of your website is that the text needs to be relevant to what you are selling. For example, though 'vacations' is an often searched for term in search engines, you can't put a bunch of travel articles on your website to get people to come to your site when you are selling bowling balls. You need to create content that is interesting to the kinds of visitors you want on your site ' that will place you higher in the rankings. Try to build these articles around relevant keywords too, but use no more than 5% keyword density ' most experts recommend between 1 and 2% density.

SEO Needs to be Truthful

In the past, website developers used to try to 'trick' the search engines by creating invisible pages on their websites that were filled with keywords, driving traffic to their site, even if the keywords weren't relevant. However, pages that do this now are going to be either banned or pushed far down the search engine result pages. Search engines are looking for this dishonest practice now, so it's not worth trying to chance it.

SEO Will Probably Change

Of course, even though these are some of the rules of SEO these days, that doesn't mean that things aren't going to change in a few years. The rules are forever changing as technology changes and website developers figure out new ways to tip the search results in their favor. Try to keep informed about SEO by reading web developer sites and news stories about internet searches.

SEO isn't something that you can simply ignore anymore or think isn't relevant. Though you might not be able to simply stuff your website full of relevant keywords, you can use the new rules to your advantage.