Upgrading Your Online Shopping Cart – 31 Benefits Your Next Shopping Cart Should Offer
Are you thinking about upgrading your shopping cart? Here are things to look for when choosing your next Online Shopping Cart
Are you thinking about upgrading your shopping cart so you can take advantage of today's improved online shopping carts? You might have started your adventures in e-commerce with a bare-bones system. But if you’re like most people,

you’ve probably outgrown these simple carts. If that’s the case, you need to consider these options: 31 Things to Look For When Choosing Your Next Online Shopping Cart… 1. Is the cart secure? Make sure the cart has verified security standards and is hacker safe. Those orders could be a major source of fraud that could run you out of business if you aren’t careful. 2. Can it import your existing client database? 3. Can it import your existing list of products and services? 4. Will it categorize your products and services so you can find items quickly? 5. Will it calculate shipping charges by different carriers, like USPS and overnight courier services? 6. Can it bill clients automatically each month if you sell recurring services like coaching, or products, like supplements? 7. Could it offer A/B split testing of different ads, so you can test with ads are more effective? 8. Will it work easily with credit card processing companies? 9. Do they offer free product support? 10. Does it have an affiliate manager module to track orders made by your partners? 11. Can it send out automated messages so you can follow up with clients using automated messages and sales scripts that can save you time and make you money? 12. Are the prices reasonable? 13. Can you choose from a variety of services so you get the level of service you need? 14. Does it have features included, like affiliate program tracking and auto-responders? 15. Can it work with your website to do product upsells? 16. Does it offer coupons and discounts for consumers? 17. If you operate several companies, will they all work with one cart, or do you need additional carts? Good systems will let you take orders from different companies you own. 18. Has the cart been in business for more than five years? 19. Does the cart have testimonials from satisfied people in your industry? 20. Will it print an invoice? 21. Can I make the sales pages look like my website so it has the same colors, logos and layout so customers feel comfortable and has a positive experience? 22. Will it create a database of clients, prospects and newsletter subscribers? 23. Will it send out newsletters in HTML and TEXT? 24. Can it track undeliverable emails? 25. Does it integrate with QuickBooks so you can do bookkeeping faster? 26. Can you search by client name or client email address to find records? 27. Can you create reports to see the records of each person who bought a specific product? 28. Can you send messages to people who bought specific products? 29. Can you send personalized messages that include a person’s name, company, city and product purchased? 30. Can you become an affiliate of the shopping cart and recommend it to your clients? 31. Can it offer a security code to defeat spammers? Modern shopping carts, like MyEasyOnlineStore.com have all these features and more. Don’t buy a cart that doesn’t have these services, as you will surely need them.