How the Right Shopping Cart Will Increase Productivity & Stop Your Online Business from Stalling
If you use a good shopping cart, you can save yourself time and money... know the hidden truth behind automating your business online.
Is your online business or home-based business stalling because you are drowning in administration details? You're not the only one! Many small businesses are one step away from phenomenal success,

if only they could increase their productivity AND reduce repetitive tasks and paperwork. After all, any time spent dealing with writing down orders or sending out emails one-by-one is time that you can't spend selling to your prospects. I've found that having a full-features shopping cart, like can save me as much as two hours a day! Here's How to Choose an Online Shopping Cart That Will Increase Productivity & Save Time and Money Guaranteed 1. Make sure your online shopping cart has an easy-to-follow ordering system. For example, people can order my products and services directly from the shopping cart. They don't have to call me on the phone to take down the details. Don't get me wrong, I love taking orders, but it is time consuming and it takes me away from other tasks. And if a prospect calls when I'm on the phone, or away from my desk, then they get an answering machine and we begin that long task of phone tag. If you have an easy way for people to order online, you can take orders at any time of the day or night. Who staffs theirs phones at 2 a.m.? 2. A good shopping cart will automate such functions as sending receipts. Don't you hate it when clients ask for a receipt? You can't blame them. They need a receipt for their taxes and their accountants. But making a receipt by hand will take you at least 5-10 minutes even if you have a template and a system in place. Everything takes time! But a good shopping cart will automatically send a receipt to the new client – and to you, so you have one for your files. 3. If you send personalize messages to new clients, such as greetings, or training materials, you can automate this process with a good shopping cart. Thanks to the wonders of mail-merge, each message can print the person's first name. If you want to get fancy, you can even automate other variables such as city, state and product purchased. It's a great time saver and people will think your messages are truly personal. 4. A good shopping cart can create sales reports by any variable you can think of, such as total sales, daily sales, weekly sales, sales in a given period, as well as sales by product. You don't have to depend on your part-time bookkeeper to create these reports for you any longer! You can get reports when you need them, not when the part-timer shows up for work. 5. A good shopping cart does NOT just take orders. It can send newsletters and other types of information you'd like to broadcast – such as invitations to teleseminars or special events. A good shopping cart can manage most client communications, so you save time and money by dealing with one vendor instead of two or three. Plus you will be working off of one database and not have to update two other databases hosted by a company that sends out newsletters or autoresponders. Why duplicate your efforts? 6. Make sure your shopping cart offers clients control of some aspect of their accounts. For example, if a client doesn't want to get your newsletter any longer, they can unsubscribe by themselves without having to contact you by email. This way you don't have to do the work yourself. Good shopping carts have information on how to unsubscribe contained in each message for your convenience. If you use a good shopping cart, you can save yourself time and money if you know the hidden truth behind automating your business online. Luckily, I'm giving you the keys to the Mint with a free special report about how to select a shopping cart located only at