In today's schools, so many children have problems with understanding the new concepts. Many teachers and parents will confirm that this problem exists nowadays. Content explanation requires much work and energy of a teacher to make his pupils be able to understand the new material. It is one of the major components of studying.
In today's schools, so many children have problems with understanding the new concepts. Many teachers and parents will confirm that this problem exists nowadays. Content explanation requires much work and energy of a teacher to make his pupils be able to understand the new material. It is one of the major components of studying.
Content comprehension is the ability to analyze the material. Still, not everyone knows that content comprehension can be taught. Teachers can improve children's abilities to understand the text using concrete content strategies. There exist various strategies that are effective in teaching pupils content understanding. Content understanding is very important in the development of children's mental work. Thus, it is important for their ability to get an education. Teaching content comprehension strategies for pupils at all levels is complex. Teachers must have a strong understanding of the text and its content and must have a good knowledge of the methods.
Content comprehension is a complex cognitive process. It cannot be analyzed without a definite description of the vocabulary development and vocabulary instruction role in the understanding of the text. Besides, comprehension is an active process and thus, it requires a thoughtful interplay between the student and the text. Also, the teachers’ preparation is aimed at developing content comprehension strategies that is connected to pupils' achievements. Researchers have discovered how to successfully teach children to understand the new material. The analysis of the text does not require much work if the six principles are applied. For example, we can take such notion as conceptual art and describe the way it can be introduced to a group of students.
First of all, the teacher should encourage students to think and say how they understand the notion. This strategy makes students think and try to formulate their thoughts. Besides, it helps them better remember the material. After that he is to give his students the notion or notions presented in the literature.
Then a good teacher will talk about the history of conceptual art, about prominent artists who followed the major ideas of this style, such as Yves Klein, Robert Rauschenberg, Piero Manzoni, Sol Le Witt, Douglas Huebler, Charles Saatchi, Vanessa Beecroft, Sarah Charlesworth, Michael Corris and others. Here it would be better to talk about several notable artists. Besides, a good teacher will mention examples of conceptual art. Thus, the best methods of content comprehension strategies are systematic and include: direct explanation by the teacher, modeling by the teacher, guided practice by the teacher, application by the pupil with help of the teacher.
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