E-Learning Solutions: Covering Difficulties in Training

Sep 11


Joe Owens

Joe Owens

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This is done usually through a series of learning modules, exercises, and practical examinations. In any training exercise, the end goal is to enable the trainee or learner to be able to successfully and effectively cope with the projected output stated for the project.

In any training exercise,E-Learning Solutions: Covering Difficulties in Training Articles the end goal is to enable the trainee or learner to be able to successfully and effectively cope with the projected output stated for the project.  This is done usually through a series of learning modules, exercises, and practical examinations.  Following a comprehensive lesson on the subject matter, the learner is usually subjected to a battery of exercise designed to teach and allow them to commit to memory the appropriate response to specific situations, in effect, remembering through repetition.  This type of training, while somewhat reliable when it comes to matters of retention, is somewhat rigid and inflexible in certain circumstances, especially when the one who learned is faced with a situation that may not have been included in the parameters of the training.  This effectively leaves them stumped and puzzled as to what to do, since there was effectively no lesson on the puzzling situation that they are facing.  While corporations and major institutions often tailor their operations to preclude such unexpected outcomes, it is not severely uncommon.  There will always be a situation or two wherein every single trainee is caught totally unprepared with an appropriate response to deal with it.  This is why there is a need for individually targeted effective performance management systems, all the better to identify the individual areas of difficulty, isolate it, and formulate an approach that may facilitate better learning of the difficulty, allowing the learner to effectively learn that part of the learning module that would have otherwise stumped them, or they would not learn altogether.  In this aspect, e-learning solutions provide a unique platform to targets specific learning difficulties, providing the learner a chance to cover all needed areas.

This is where e-learning solutions prove one of its strength, in the ability to directly address a difficult learning area in the learning spectrum of a learner.  Whereas a learner is expected to learn at a pace that is somewhat the same as everyone else in a training class setting, a learning program that makes use of e-learning tools is able to produce the same results, regardless of the fact that different participants may have different difficulties in the learning module, since all of these difficulties can be individually addressed without having to stall the entire learning group just so that one participant may isolate and focus on something that other participants may have already comprehended.  This also allows a trainer to prepare a general curriculum or a set of learning modules that encompasses what needs to be learned without having to allocate more lessons or time to a perceived area of difficulty for one or a few participants, since the individuals who may have difficulty may individually tackle their areas of difficulty without having to delay the learning or other participant in the training.  This, in effect, allows the entire training to be completed in the allotted time, with all participants learning all that is need to be learned, the results of which can then be quantifiably validated with an evaluation.